June 21

Sarah Robertson

A Quirky and Fun Guide to Keeping Zebra Angelfish

The Zebra Angelfish are a stunning addition to any aquarium with their tall bodies and generously flowing fins. Though they have similar physical traits to fish found in salt water tropical areas, Zebra Angelfish are low-maintenance freshwater fish that are recommended for beginner aquarium hobbyists.

Zebra Angelfish can be found in South-America, near the Amazon River, all the way north to Venezuela and the Guianas. They prefer areas close to the shore of rivers and ponds where plants grow abundantly out of the water. They love living in areas with lots of vegetation, so when kept in captivity, they'll enjoy an aquarium that has plants with broad leaves as well as rock formations. Being slender, they can navigate through dense underwater vegetation to hide from other fish.

Relatively low-maintenance fish, but their long bodies suggest they're not meant for small tanks. Although they are usually peaceful, Zebra Angelfish can become aggressive when it comes to their feeding habits.

If you are interested in keeping a Zebra Angelfish in your aquarium, read on to learn more about their care requirements.

Quick Facts about Zebra Angelfish

  • Scientific Name: Pterophyllum scalare
  • Common Name: Zebra Angelfish
  • Origin: Amazon and Orinoco River Basins, South America
  • Family: Cichlidae
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Minimum Tank Size: 30-gallon fish tank
  • Temperature Range: 75-82° F
  • PH Range: 5.8-7.0
  • Lifespan: 10-15 years
  • Water Type: Hard
  • Breed Type: Egg Layer
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive
  • Aquarium Hardiness: Hardy
  • Max Size: 6 inches
  • Color Form: Black, Tan, White
  • Compatibility: Community Tanks
  • Aquarist Experience Level: Beginner

Zebra Angelfish Care

With their long fins and slender bodies, Zebra Angelfish are very elegant-looking fish. They're a popular choice for many aquarium hobbyists, but it's important to be aware of their care requirements before making the commitment to keeping them.

Zebra Angelfish are relatively low-maintenance, but they do have some specific needs that must be met in order to keep them healthy and happy. Zebra Angelfish are native to the freshwater rivers and ponds of South America. In the wild, they can be found in areas with lots of plants and vegetation. When kept in captivity, they will need an aquarium that has plenty of plants and hiding places.

Zebra Angelfish are omnivores, which means that they will eat both plant and animal matter. In the wild, their diet consists of small insects, crustaceans, and worms. In captivity, they can be fed a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, frozen foods, and live foods. It's important to provide them with a varied diet to ensure that they're getting all the nutrients they need.

For their proper care, Zebra Angelfish need an aquarium that is at least 30 gallons in size. They also need a filter and a heater to maintain the proper water temperature. The water temperature should be kept between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH level of the water should be between 5.8 and 7.0.

Zebra Angelfish

Zebra Angelfish Size

The Zebra angelfish grow to a length of up to 6 inches (15 cm). Some of the factors that affect their size include the quality of their diet and the size of their aquarium. If you provide them with a good diet and a large enough aquarium, they will reach their full size.

Zebra Angelfish Lifespan

Zebra Angelfish can live up to 15 years in captivity. However, the average lifespan is around 10 years. With the proper care, they can live for an even longer period of time.

Zebra Angelfish Appearance

Male and female Zebra angelfish, also known as Zebra lyretail, look different from one another. The female of the species is light blue, with a black band that covers their eyes. There are also black stripes at the top and bottom of their tail.

The male is pale blue, with multiple thin, dark, vertical stripes in a zebra pattern. Both the male and female have long, forked tails. They also have small mouths and spines located on the lower curve of their cheekbones.

Because of its popularity, there are now many different cross-breeds of this fish. You can find these silver fish with dark vertical stripes in the wild, but many different varieties like black, gold, and marble exist in stores. The Zebra variety is silver, like its wild predecessors, but with extra dark vertical stripes.

There are different types of Zebra angelfish, here are some of the most popular ones:

Blue Zebra Angelfish

Over the span of several decades, selective breeding of angel fish has resulted in the brilliantly colored and patterned specimens. Zebra Blue Angelfish is one among them, now found in home aquariums.

The Blue Zebra Angelfish is selectively bred for both the blue coloration and the wide striped pattern of the Zebra. This fish, in addition to having four to six vertical stripes like a typical Zebra Angelfish, also exhibits the blue color gene. The Blue Zebra Angel is a beautiful fish that is not commonly found in average local fish stores. Many fish enthusiasts purchase Blue Zebra Angelfish from online stores that specialize in them.

Silver Zebra Angelfish

The Silver Zebra Angelfish is a cross between the Zebra and the Silver angelfish. It has a silver body with black stripes. They are one of the most popular types of angelfish.

Black Zebra Angelfish

The Black Zebra Angelfish is a cross between the Zebra and the Black Lace angelfish. It has a black body with white stripes. The fins are also black, with white tips.

Gold Zebra Angelfish

The Gold Zebra Angelfish is a cross between the Zebra and the Golden angelfish. It has a yellow-gold body with black stripes.

Apart from above mentioned common Zebra Angelfish varieties, you may also find Zebra Swallowtail Angelfish, Zebra Lace Angelfish and Zebra Veil Angelfish. These are less common, but still beautiful fish that make great addition to any aquarium.

Sexual Dimorphism 

You can't physically tell the difference between males and females when they're not breeding, but during breeding season, males have pointed genital papillae while females have blunt ones.

Zebra Angelfish Behavior

This fish species is peaceful and can be kept with other fish of its size in a community aquarium. However, it may eat any smaller fish that are present in the aquarium. These fish live in the wild in groups, so they should also be kept together. When they get older, they will become pairs and become territorial with each other.

When Zebra angelfish are first introduced to their aquarium, they may hide a lot. But as they get used to their surroundings, they will become more active and social. They are known to be relatively hardy fish, so they can adjust well to different water conditions. Zebra Angelfish can be aggressive, especially when it comes to food. They may become territorial while breeding also.

Zebra Angelfish

Zebra Angelfish Food & Diet

Zebra Angelfish typically eat near the surface or in mid-water, but they may also search for food along the bottom of their aquatic environment. Tropical Flakes, Color Flakes, Tropical Granules and Shrimp Pellets are an ideal food for them because they are omnivores.

A common issue among beginner fish keepers is overfeeding their pet. Make sure you avoid this mistake. Not only is it bad for the fish, but it's also detrimental to the tank environment. Excess food in the system creates waste that is difficult to remove, providing an environment in which toxins and diseases can prosper.

Excess waste produced by fish or decaying leftover food often leads to algae blooms in the tank. Angelfish are voracious eaters and always seem to be looking forward to their next meal. Because of this, if you want to keep bottom dweller fish with Angelfish, be sure to feed them food that sinks so they get enough nutrition.

For best results, feed your Zebra Angelfish 3-4 times a day with food they can consume in 1 minute or less. A varied diet of flake foods, meaty frozen foods (brine shrimp, bloodworms), and live brine shrimp will guarantee they stay healthy and strong. A nutritious diet is the key to a long and healthy life for your Angelfish.

Zebra Angelfish Tank Mates

If you’re considering adding a zebra angelfish to your aquarium, you might be wondering what kind of tank mates are compatible with this beautiful but potentially aggressive fish. Here we will discuss some of the best zebra angelfish tank mates, as well as some to avoid.

Zebra angelfish can be aggressive towards tank mates, so it’s important to choose carefully when adding them to your community aquarium.

One option for zebra angelfish tank mates is other angels. Angels are generally a good choice because they are similar in size and temperament. However, it’s important to choose angels that are not too similar in coloration to the zebra angelfish, as they may be mistaken for rivals and become targets of aggression.

Here are some other best tank mates you could choose for Angelfish:

  • Mollies
  • Platies
  • Kuhli Loach
  • Bristlenose Plecos
  • Swordtails
  • Corydora Catfish
  • Keyhole Cichlids

The following fish species must not be kept with Angelfish:

  • Goldfish
  • Betta Fish
  • Shrimps

In general, it's not a good idea to house Angelfish with other aggressive fish or fish that tend to nip at the fins of Angelfish, like Barbs and some Tetra species.

Be sure to research which fish can coexist peacefully with Angelfish and always keep an eye on tank activity to avoid any potential conflict.

Zebra Angelfish Tank Setup

If you want your angelfish to thrive, don't try to put too many of them in a small tank.

Not only will they be miserable and unhealthy, but they'll also exhibit aggressive behaviors.

Considering the ideal set up for an Angelfish tank, you'll have to take into account these three things:

  • The appropriate size of the tank.
  • The right substrate or bottom covering material.
  • And the correct vegetation.
  • For setting up an ideal tank for zebra angels, here are some recommendations:

Tank Size

You should always choose a fish tank that is bigger rather than smaller when you're looking to house Angelfish. This will give them the space they need to live comfortably and also allow you to build a community tank if you so desire. A 30-gallon fish tank is a good size for housing a few Zebra Angelfish.

Angelfish need a lot of space to swim since they're tall and actively move around, so make sure their tank is big enough. This species eats a lot, so you will have to manage more waste. Thus, you need a larger tank and filtering system. Angelfish tend to become aggressive when living in close quarters, which often results in fights with the other fish.


For Zebra Angelfish tank setup, you need an efficient filtration system to help with water quality and clarity. If you're looking for a freshwater aquarium filtration system, A canister filter over a hang on back filter is recommended. Canister filters are more efficient and will do a better job at filtering your water.

Tank Substrate and Decorations

For the substrate, you can use gravel, sand, or a mixture of both. Just make sure it's not too large since Zebra Angelfish have a tendency to swallow things that are small enough to fit in their mouths.

If you’re a beginner, it is better to use a gravel substrate since it is easier to clean. Not only does sand require more effort to maintain, but it can also be costly. Angelfish may feel more at home in a sandy environment, but they'll manage just as well if you keep them in a gravel tank.

As for decorations, you can use rocks, driftwood, and live or fake plants. Placing driftwood and rocks that stand vertically will help them feel more comfortable. It's best to use a variety of these decorations to create different hiding places and territories for your fish. Just make sure that anything you put in the tank is safe for Angelfish and won’t hurt them if they decide to nibble on it.


Zebra Angelfish feel more at ease in tanks with plenty of plants, as this is what natural habitat for fish looks like. Having numerous hiding spots also helps reduce their stress levels.

For an Angelfish tank that looks and feels natural, choose plants with large leaves that stand up vertically.

If you're new to this hobby and lack the expertise or budget for a lighting system, then fake plants are a great option for you. Artificial plants look like real ones and don't need consistent care, just the occasional cleaning.

Water Parameters

The water you add to the fish tank must be clean, or it can harm your fish. Therefore, think about the water's source carefully before adding it to the tank.

If you have a reverse osmosis water filter system installed in your home, I recommend using reverse osmosis water. Alternatively, if you purchase aquarium water from a pet store, you can be confident that the water is free of contaminants.

Although using tap water might be the most economical option, you cannot use it directly for your fish tank. To make the water safe for your fish, you'll need to dechlorinate it. The best way to do that is by using a conditioner like Natural Rapport.

If you don't use chlorine-free water for your freshwater aquarium, you could burn the gills of your Angelfish and even kill them.

In order to ensure the health and safety of your fish, you will need an aquarium testing kit that tests aquarium water parameters such as ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, temperature and pH. Before placing any fish into the tank, you must establish a bacteria colony and stable water chemistry by completing a fishless nitrogen cycle.

Zebra Angelfish Tank Maintenance 

While the nitrogen cycle is an important part of maintaining a healthy fish tank, it's not the only thing you have to do. Unfortunately, keeping fish isn't as easy as just buying a tank and filling it with water. Proper tank maintenance is essential to keeping your fish healthy and happy.

Maintaining Angelfish tanks requires the following steps:

  • Every other week, change 10-20% of the water.
  • Only use dechlorinated water.
  • Use a scrubber to clean the glass of your tank, removing any algae or dirt.
  • Use a siphon to remove any leftover food or waste from the gravel or sand.
  • You can clean your filter with water from the tank by putting it in a separate bucket and splashing the water around.

You can use chlorinated water from your tap to do water changes or clean the filter.

Every time you clean the tank, change the filter to maintain a healthy environment for your fish.

If you forget to clean your fish tank one month, it's not a big deal, especially if the water chemistry is stable. However, if you neglect to clean your tank for months on end, the health of your fish will quickly decline and they could die.

However, cleaning the filter or decorations with tap water is just as bad of an idea since it'll kill off all the good bacteria you worked to establish during the nitrogen cycle. Maintaining an aquarium takes effort, so if you're not keen on regularly checking up on your fish and doing other necessary tasks, then this hobby might not be for you.

Zebra Angelfish

Zebra Angelfish Breeding

If you want to breed Angelfish easily, make sure to give them a healthy diet and let them choose their own mate. Angelfish can be difficult to sex, so it's often best to let them choose their own mate. The only noticeable difference between a male and female Angelfish is that the female's abdomen swells when her eggs are mature.

The female develops a short spawning tube during breeding season to lay her eggs on the selected site, which is usually cleaned by both parents beforehand and could be anything from a leaf to slate.

The female lays her eggs in rows and the male then fertilizes them. To ensure that all of the eggs are healthy, both parents will take shifts cleaning any dirt or rot off of them.

The juveniles arrive in just two days, attached to the breeding site with a sticky thread coming from their head.

Parents keep juveniles together until they learn how to swim on their own. You'll observe a flocking behavior as they travel from place to place in order to find food. Zebra Angelfish pair-bond for life and work together raising their young until the baby fish are large enough to fend for themselves. However, that is not always what happens.

Under stressful tank conditions, some Zebra Angelfish will consume the eggs and juvenile fish. Some commercial breeders of Angelfish have had to change their methods due to this. Some breeders will remove the slate or leaf where spawning occurred and place it in a tank or gallon jar with water from the original breeding tank.

They then place an air stone in the tank to provide a gentle stream of bubbles and help with cleaning and circulation. Although this method leaves eggs susceptible to fungal infections, a few drops of fungicide added to the water will kill any potential fungus.

Because this artificial method is so flawed, I believe it's best to leave the eggs with the parents as they will take care of them more effectively.

If your Angelfish do eat the eggs by accident, don't fret! In only 19 to 21 days, they'll be ready to breed again.

Zebra Angelfish Fry

After you've moved the zebra angelfish babies to their rearing tank, wait an hour or two before feeding them so they can acclimate. The key to raising fast-growing, healthy juvenile Zebra angelfish is feeding them small meals frequently.

Newly hatched brine shrimp are the perfect food for growing fry. You should not overfeed your fish, as this will make the water dirty.

Crushed fish flake food can be slowly introduced to their diet in small quantities after 3-4 weeks. You can gradually transition your fish to flake food, freeze-dried pellets, or other pelleted foods over a period of 4-6 weeks.

Zebra angel fry are very small and are best kept in a group of their own species. If they are placed with other larger fish, they may become territorial and aggressive. A 20-gallon aquarium is large enough to house a group of 6-8 Zebra angels. As they grow, you will need to increase the size of the tank.

Be sure to provide plenty of hiding places and live plants in the tank for the fry to feel secure. Live rocks are also a good idea, as they will provide a place for the fry to graze and pick at algae.

Angelfish are very sensitive to changes in water quality, so be sure to perform regular water changes and monitor your aquarium closely.

Zebra Angelfish Diseases

A vital element of properly caring for your angelfish is having an understanding of the indicators and symptoms of the many diseases that can infect your fish. By taking care of your angelfish and their habitat, you build up their immunity against battling diseases like parasites, bacteria, fungus and viral infections.

Creating a healthy environment and feeding your angelfish a nutritious diet will help them build a strong immune system, protecting them against many diseases.

The most common angelfish diseases and parasites, along with the corresponding remedies, are listed below:

Ich / Ick

The disease commonly known as Ich or White Spot Disease presents itself as tiny white spots on the fish's body. The leading cause of ich in angelfish is sudden changes in water temperature.

Stressful conditions can also trigger ich outbreaks. If you have bad water conditions in your tank, introducing plants or other fish that already carry the protozoa can lead to Ich in your Zebra angelfish. The disease is deadly if left untreated, so it is crucial to start treatment immediately.

The following are signs your angelfish have Ick:

  • Appetite loss and swimming that seems uncoordinated or disoriented.
  • Folded fins.
  • White spots on the body
  • If the white spots are located on their gills, it'll be harder for them to breathe
  • Fish rubbing against objects in their tank trying to remove these spots.

There are several remedies for Ich, including:

  • Adding aquarium salt to the water can disrupt the fluid regulation of Ich
  • By raising the water temperature to 86°F, we can improve their health.
  • Anti-parasitic drugs

To get the most out of your medication, remove the carbon filter from your tank before adding it.


The underlying infection that causes Dropsy in angelfish is caused by a bacterium. Normally, this bacterium isn't harmful and can be found in many aquariums. However, if the immune system of your angelfish becomes compromised, it may result in Dropsy appearing. Fluid build-up inside fish is a result of the infection compromising kidney function.

Some symptoms of angelfish dropsy are:

  • Lethargy
  • Rapid breathing through the gills
  • Scales sticking out all over the body
  • Loss of appetite
  • A bloated appearance and protruding eyes.

The following are suggested treatments for Dropsy:

Unfortunately, there is no cure for angelfish dropsy. If you detect the disease in its later stages, it will be too late to save any of the angelfish that are infected. If you catch the disease at an early stage, adding antibacterial medication to their food and treating them in a separate tank with Epsom salts (â…› teaspoons per 5 gallon ratio) can help remove some of the excess fluid.

Fin Rot 

Zebra Angelfish fin rot is a bacterial infection that commonly appears in freshwater aquariums where water conditions are not stable. It attacks the fins, working its way down to the base.

Fin rot is a fish disease that's caused by Flavobacterium Columnare, Pseudomonas, or Aeromonas. All of these bacteria can be found in tanks that aren't properly cleaned.

Some of the common symptoms of Zebra angelfish fin rot are as follows:

  • Fins that appear to be shredded
  • It becomes difficult to swim when the disease is in an advanced stage.
  • If the disease spreads to other areas, they will turn milky white.

Multiple remedies are required to effectively combat this disease. Here are some of the most popular methods:

  • Antibiotic treatment
  • Water condition assessment, tank cleaning, and 20-50% water changes as needed.
  • If a fish is nipping at the fins of other fish, it needs to be removed from the tank. Also, if there are too many fish in the tank, some need to be rehomed.

The regeneration of tissue is not possible once your angelfish' fins have been damaged by infection, so it's important to be diligent in following a treatment plan to prevent the disease from worsening.

Zebra Angelfish

Velvet Disease (Gold Dust Disease)

Velvet Disease is an infection caused by the parasite Piscinoodinum. This nasty little invader attacks the body of the fish, forming a cyst in the natural slime coating of the angelfish. The disease then causes this cyst to erupt through the skin of your poor pet.

The signs of velvet disease are:

  • Rapid breathing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Body is coated in gold (sometimes green or brown) cysts;
  • Excess slime production
  • Rubbing against objects in the tank
  • Lethargy

Velvet disease often weakens a fish's immune system, making the fish susceptible to other infections. Therefore, in addition to symptoms of velvet disease, the fish may also exhibit symptoms associated with other infections.

It is essential that you apply remedies as soon as possible when you notice symptoms because the disease is highly contagious and can kill your fish.

The following are treatment options that can help:

  • When you put fish in a hospital tank, make sure to blackout the tank (use a blanket to cover it) for 3 weeks. The temperature should be raised to 82-86° degrees Fahrenheit during this time.
  • Add aquarium salt to the tank (To properly dissolve aquarium salt, add 0.5-1 gallon of warm water to a container for every 2.5 teaspoons of salt you wish to add per gallon of water in your aquarium.)
  • You can add medication to the tank (like formalin, acriflavin, methylene blue, and copper sulfate).

After the Zebra angelfish respond to treatment, they can be moved from the hospital tank into the main aquarium.

Gill Flukes

Gill flukes in Zebra angelfish are parasitic infections that affect the gills and skin. Outbreaks typically result from stress and unsanitary tank conditions. Parasites can invade the skin of fish, causing ulcers and infections.

Symptoms of gill flukes include:

  • Red skin
  • The gills on this fish look like they’ve been shredded or chewed.
  • Excessive mucus production
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Scratching against objects

Here are some remedies for gill flukes that you might want to try:

  • The anti-worm medication Praziquantel can be used as a treatment.

Hexamita (Hole-in-the-Head Disease)

Hexamita, otherwise known as Hole-in-the-Head disease, is caused by an aquatic parasite that rapidly multiplies under the right conditions. Without treatment, the disease will kill your angelfish.

Symptoms of hexamita infection are:

  • Loss of color
  • Lesions on the head
  • Loss of appetite
  • White, stringy feces

Here are some effective remedies for angelfish hexamita:

  • Treating the aquarium with MetroPlex.
  • Infected fish should be quarantined in a hospital tank.
  • Gradually raise water temperatures to 90°F.

Anchor Worms

  • Many people believe that Anchor Worms are worms, when in fact they are small crustaceans. These little creatures embed themselves into the scales and flesh of your fish.
  • symptoms associated with anchor worm disease are:
  • Crustaceans burrowing into the flesh of your fish can cause redness, inflammation, and ulcers.
  • Red or white-green worms at the base of your fish's fins
  • Shortness of breath
  • Scratching body against objects

Helpful remedies include:

  • Use aquarium salt to treat your aquarium.
  • Taking a potassium permanganate bath is an effective way to kill anchor worms that haven't yet embedded.
  • Use Dimilin to kill anchor worm larvae and any un-embedded adult anchor worms in the aquarium.
  • Use tweezers to delicately remove any embedded anchor worms.

In order to prevent future problems, be mindful of what you add to the tank. Both fish and plants can introduce worms into the ecosystem.

Zebra Angelfish

Swollen Bellies – Big Stomach

In addition to dropsy, there are several other conditions that can result in an angelfish appearing bloated or having a distended stomach:

  • Various internal parasites can cause a bloated appearance.
  • When an angelfish female is about to lay her eggs, she will appear as if her belly is swollen.
  • A possible sign of kidney problems in angelfish is a swollen belly, which can be caused by a cyst, infection or lesions.
  • Because angelfish have narrow bodies, they're prone to constipation caused by improper digestion. To ease indigestion, you can soak dried flakes in castor oil or glycerol, or mash and feed them peeled peas.

Thus, angelfish with bloated stomachs may not be sick (e.g. they might just be getting ready to spawn), but it’s crucial to monitor the situation and see if there are more symptoms of disease.

A swollen belly on a Zebra angelfish can be cause for concern. If you're unsure of the root problem, always consult a specialist.

Mouth Fungus Disease

Angelfish mouth fungus is a result of Flavobacterium columnare, which is a gram-negative bacterium that’s found in aquariums. Since they're opportunistic bacteria, they'll enter the body of your angelfish via wounds. They establish themselves in the wound of angelfish with weakened immune systems.

Common symptoms of angelfish mouth fungus are:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • If you see white, cotton-like threads at the face, gills or mouth of a fish, this could be a sign of disease.
  • Fins that are tattered and frayed.
  • In advanced cases, sores and lesions may appear.
  • Excess mucus being produced on the head and gills.

Some treatments you can try for Zebra angelfish mouth fungus disease are:

  • Antibiotic or antibacterial medication, such as kanamycin and phenoxyethanol (at 100 mg/l of water for 7 days)
  • Adding salt or sodium chloride to the tank can help prevent the disease. For every gallon of water, add 1 ounce of salt.

To keep this disease at bay, ensure optimal water parameters and regularly clean the tank.

Virus Infection

The angelfish virus infection, commonly referred to as "angelfish AIDS," is a severe and rapidly-spreading disease that can kill your fish within a few days of being infected.

It is easy for the disease to spread from fish-to-fish because it is highly contagious.

The following are symptoms of a potential virus infection:

  • The fins are folded against the body.
  • Excessive slime production
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • The nose appears slightly pointed up.
  • Most fish spend the majority of their time near the bottom of the tank.

Some remedies for this disease include:

  • To treat infected fish, quarantine them in a hospital tank without lights or a filter. Use a UV sterilizer to kill the infection-causing virus.
  • Seachem Para Guard should be used on the fish tank for 3 days, with a 10% water change taking place in between each treatment.
  • Adding Mardel Maracyn to your fish tank can help stave off infection and other diseases.

If your angelfish manages to survive an infection of the angelfish virus, you can move them into an aquarium. However, do not put healthy fish in with them as they may still be carrying the virus for up to 6 months.

Zebra Angelfish

Popeye Disease

Popeye disease, caused by sudden changes in water conditions, is an infection that leads to your fish's bulging eyes. Although it seldom results in death, this ailment can still damage the eye or cause pops out.

Symptoms of Popeye disease to look out for in Zebra angelfish are:

  • Eyes that appear cloudy and bulging
  • A ruptured eye that cause permanent vision impairment or blindness.

The most popular treatments for Popeye disease in Zebra angelfish are:

  • This infection can be treated with a 50% water change and salt iodine solution, if caught early.
  • Adding methylene blue to the tank can also be helpful in some cases.
  • More severe infections will require antibiotics.

Cotton Wool Disease 

Overcrowded tanks, low water temperatures and poor water conditions can lead to this disease.

Some of the symptoms you may see if your zebra angelfish has cotton wool disease include:

  • The fish has a translucent layer on its skin that is expanding.
  • The edges of the body may appear bloody, as if blood is oozing through the skin.

Depending on the severity, there are different remedies for cotton wool disease in Zebra angelfish. If your fish is suffering and in an advanced stage of illness, euthanasia might be the best option.

If you identify the disease early, cleaning the tank, changing the water, and rehoming fish in overstocked tanks are all environmental factors you can adjust to improve your aquarium.

After you complete these steps, add marine salt to the tank (4 teaspoons/gallon) and treat water with potassium permanganate.


How Big Do Zebra Angelfish Get?

Zebra angelfish reach a maximum size of about 6 inches. Some of the factors that affect their size are the quality of their food and water, as well as the amount of space they have to swim.

What Do Zebra Angelfish Eat?

Zebra angelfish are omnivorous, meaning that they will eat both plant and animal matter. In the wild, their diet consists mostly of algae and small invertebrates. In the home aquarium, they should be offered a varied diet that includes both live and frozen foods, as well as plant matter.

Where Do Zebra Angelfish Live? 

Amazon and Orinoco River Basins, South America is the natural habitat for zebra angelfish. In the wild, they are found in slow-moving waters with plenty of vegetation to hide in.

Do Angelfish Produce a Lot of Waste?

Yes, angelfish produce a lot of waste. This is due to their high metabolism and their diet of live foods. It is important to have a good filtration system in place to remove this waste from the water.

Do Angelfish Need Plants?

Zebra angelfish do not need plants, but they do benefit from having them in their tank. Plants provide hiding places for the fish and help to oxygenate the water. They also consume some of the waste produced by the fish.

Why Are My Zebra Angelfish Laying at the Bottom of the Tank at Night?

When it's dark or the aquarium lights are off, Angelfish become colorless and sink to the bottom of the tank where they stay still. Keep calm, they're only resting or sleeping.

Will my Zebra Angelfish Eat My Smaller Fish?

Yes, if it can fit in their mouth, Angelfish will most likely turn it into food. Therefore, don’t add White Cloud fish or Zebra Danios, or even small guppies to a tank with Angelfish.

If you want your Angelfish to see guppies as potential tankmates, it's best to introduce them when the Angelfish are still young.

Can Zebra Angelfish Live in Saltwater?

No, Zebra Angelfish only live in freshwater. The saltwater fish you might be thinking of as an Angelfish are not actually called or classified as Angelfish.

How Long Can Zebra Angelfish Live?

Angelfish can live for a long time, provided they have good living conditions and a healthy diet. Under such circumstances, Angelfish have been known to live up to 10 or 15 years.

How Soon Will Zebra Angelfish Breed?

Zebra Angelfish can be ready for breeding in as little as 5 ½ months if under ideal conditions. However, they require a adequate amount of space and great care to thrive.

How Many Eggs Does the Female Zebra Angelfish Lay at a Time? 

Various conditions such as temperature, feeding schedules, and water changes can impact the number of eggs laid.

If a female Angelfish is kept in good conditions and comes from a healthy line, she can lay about 400-500 eggs. However, this number significantly decreases if the tank conditions and feeding requirements are not met.

Why Should I Use Dark Colored Gravel in My Zebra Angelfish Tank?

Angelfish feel more relaxed in darker-colored gravel because it provides them with a sense of security. This also allows for their colors to show better and creates a nicer appearance overall.

Can Zebra Angelfish Live with Other Angelfish?

Zebra Danio Angelfish Compatibility with other Angelfish is a common question asked by fish keepers. The answer is yes, they can live together but it's best to keep them in a species only tank because they are aggressive eaters and will outcompete other fish for food.

Will Housing a Zebra Cichlid With Angelfish Work Out?

No, it is not a good idea to house a Zebra Cichlid with Angelfish. Zebra Cichlids are much larger in size and have different water requirements. They are also known to be aggressive towards other fish.

Zebra Angelfish

Final Thoughts

Now that you know a little bit more about Zebra Angelfish, consider adding them to your freshwater aquarium. They are a beautiful addition that is sure to impress your friends and family.

They are a hardy species that is relatively easy to care for, but be sure to do your research before making the commitment.

These fish are best kept in a species only tank, but can also be kept with other peaceful fish that are of a similar size. Be sure to provide them with plenty of hiding places so that they feel secure in their environment.

With a lifespan of 10-15 years, Zebra Angelfish are a long-term investment, so be prepared to provide them with the necessary care and attention they need to thrive. When it comes to feeding, be sure to offer a variety of foods to ensure proper nutrition.

And remember, the key to a happy and healthy Zebra Angelfish is a well-maintained aquarium. So be sure to do your regular water changes and keep an eye on the water parameters. Also look for any signs of illness and treat accordingly.

With a little bit of care, you'll have a beautiful and healthy Zebra Angelfish that will bring you years of enjoyment. Thanks for reading!

Sarah Robertson

I am a passionate blogger who also happens to be a fish keeping enthusiast. Writing about my hobby is something that I absolutely love to do, and it's no secret that my chosen topic is always centered around fish keeping.

Sarah Robertson

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