March 23

Sarah Robertson

Betta Fish Eggs: the Complete Guide

Betta fish are among the most beautiful aquarium fish, with long, flowing fins and a wide range of hues. The species are native to Thailand's Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins, where they prefer shallow, almost stagnant water such as marshes, floodplains, and rice paddies.

They're also known as Siamese fighting fish, for their aggressive nature and propensity to fight with other males of their species. Even though bettas are loved and praised by many, there remains one question that always arises: what do Betta Fish Eggs look like and how do you take care of betta fish eggs?

The answer to the question is that they are tiny, white balls that have a round, uneven shape. The form may also differ depending on breeding strategy and environment. They might also be marble-shaped at times.  In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about betta fish eggs!

Betta Fish Egg Size 

The eggs of bettas are tiny white balls that are about 1mm broad. The eggs have an oval uneven shape and aren't all completely round. Eggs of mouthbrooders are larger, about 2-3mm in diameter, and take longer to hatch than those of bubble-nesters.

The size of a betta fish egg varies depending on the type of breeding employed. It's another key component to consider when it comes to bettas. Male bettas who are mouthbrooders tend to have larger eggs compared to those other types.

How Long Do Betta Fish Eggs Take to Hatch?

There are more than one hundred and fifty different types of betta fish. The betta fish eggs hatching time also varies depending on a variety of circumstances and the type of breeding employed. In the case of bubble-nesters, the average time for eggs to hatch is 2-3 days. Mouthbrooders' eggs take significantly longer, sometimes up to a month.

How Many Times Can a Betta Fish Lay Eggs? 

If you bought a pair of bettas and plan to breed, it's natural to wonder when the next batch will come. The great news is that your betta can lay eggs every few weeks or so. You may not be aware of it, but your bettas are extremely productive individuals.

However, if you have an elderly betta, it may take her longer to fill up your aquarium with more little bettas. Your male betta also needs to be robust enough to fertilize the eggs. So feeding them a high-quality diet is important.

betta fish eggs

What Do the Betta Fish Require for Hatching?

The ability of betta fish eggs to develop and survive is dependent on a number of factors. The following are some important factors to consider when taking care of betta fish eggs:


Because the eggs are developed entirely in water, they are vulnerable to any changes in their surroundings. The temperature at which eggs hatch is between 75°F and 86°F. Temperatures below 68°F or above 86°F are considered fatal to the eggs.

However, for each species of fish, the conditions are unique, so it's essential to keep a close eye on them to ensure they hatch successfully. According to recent research, the higher the temperature, the faster they hatch; they take longer to hatch at decreased temperatures.

Betta Fish Species

The eggs of various Betta species hatch at various speeds. Bubble-nesting betta fish eggs hatch considerably faster than other mouthbrooding species. They take only 2-3 days to develop. The typical duration for most mouth brooders is about 10-14 days. Some betta species, however, such as Betta macrostoma eggs might take longer than a month to hatch and swim freely.

Water Quality 

The quality of your aquarium's water has a major influence on how quickly your betta eggs hatch and how often they do so. Water quality may destroy part of your eggs or fries, or it may kill them all in the worst-case scenario.

If there is too much natural waste produced by the fish's excrement then the ammonia levels will rise considerably, which is extremely detrimental to fish. There are numerous extra hazardous chemicals and metals in addition to ammonia. These may harm your weak eggs and fry if your tank isn't clean enough or you haven't cycled it.

Make sure to do a water change before spawning, add some catappa leaves and maybe a sponge filter to your tank, and be careful about the chemicals you use. It is also important to keep the water temperature at a steady 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit.


Betta fish eggs need some light to develop properly, but too much can be harmful. They should be exposed to moderate levels of light, about 12-14 hours per day. If you're having difficulty providing natural light for the eggs, you can use an artificial light source instead as long as it emits fluorescent light. In betta's natural habitat, the eggs are usually deposited on the underside of leaves where they receive the appropriate amount of light.

Betta Fish Egg Laying Process 

Many fishkeepers consider bettas to be one of the most difficult species to breed. However, once you know how to do it, breeding them is quite simple. Before you even consider mating your bettas, make sure all necessary factors are in place. Here's a quick guide on how the betta fish egg-laying process works:

Choosing Ideal Betta Pair 

The pair you choose to breed should be carefully selected. Both male and female specimens must be in good health, free of disease or injury, and must be between 4 and 14 months old. Choosing a pair of similar age and size will ensure that the spawning process goes as smoothly as possible.

They should then be placed in a separate breeding tank, with the female being gently introduced once the male has accepted his new territory. The easiest way to do this is to put your female betta into a different plastic container so that they may view each other without causing any disturbances.

When the male betta begins flaring and displaying brilliant hues as he becomes interested in the female and your female begins to develop dark vertical stripes and a tiny white tube known as an ovipositor, you must know they're ready to breed.

Building of Bubble Nest

Building of Bubble Nest 

There are two types of betta breeding. One is bubble nest construction, and the other is mouthbrooding. Bubble nest builders are more popular. The male specimen will create a bubble nest on the top surface of the aquarium before mating. These are little air bubbles coated in his saliva that he created to keep the eggs protected until they are ready to hatch.

One of the most distinctive aspects of bubble nests is that each one is handcrafted. You can be confident that it's completely finished when he just stops working on it. Usually, a single day is all it takes to complete it. The female has been known to spend time underneath the nest on occasion. This implies she is enjoying the bubble nest and that the mating process may now begin.

Laying the Eggs

After your pets have had enough privacy and end their amazing mating dance, the female will lay her eggs right after the first mating attempt or require many additional tries. As a result, this procedure can take anything from a few minutes to a few hours. Even if you have to leave your dogs alone, you should constantly keep an eye on them from a safe distance and intervene once they've finished.

It is critical to remove the female from the tank as soon as you notice her male companion collecting all of their eggs and hiding them beneath the net. Females are known to eat their eggs, so it's important to remove them as soon as possible. If they are not removed in time, the male betta may become aggressive and attack her. Do not remove the male as he is responsible for guarding and caring for the eggs until they hatch.

Guarding the Eggs & Fry 

During the following few days, you will observe your male betta nursing the eggs with great care. He will happily collect those that fall out of the nest and return them to their safety bubbles, and he may also consume all unfertilized eggs.

When the eggs hatch, the male will continue to be a devoted parent and carefully return all of the fries as they begin to fall from the bubble nest. They cannot yet swim on their own and therefore need continual attention from their father at this time. However, it is a good moment to reinsert the male betta into his permanent tank as soon as you see babies swimming around the pool.

It's now your responsibility to look after the betta fry. Make sure they get adequate nutrition until they grow up and are able to eat solid food, which is typically around two months. Once they've been bred down to tiny betta fish, put them in their own homes or expect them to start cannibalizing one another.

How Many Eggs Do Betta Fish Lay?

The majority of Betta fish lay 10 to 40 eggs at once, with reported counts of 500 from a single female. They'll need expert help in order to achieve such large quantities. The typical egg production is 30 eggs, however.

The number of eggs your betta female produces is determined by a variety of things, including:

Size or Age of Betta 

Betta fish reach sexual maturity between the ages of 2 and 3 months, but spawning at such a tender age is not advised. It takes a lot of effort and is dangerous for a tiny female to produce. Wait until your female reaches full size and matches the male in size, although she will generally be somewhat smaller.

Make sure the male and female bettas are of similar size. If the female is too big for the male, he may have a hard time clasping her in his jaws and fertilizing the eggs as he expels them.

Small females will lay way fewer eggs than big and older females because they don’t have the capacity to carry and make all the eggs and need to invest energy in growth. Age is secondary to the size, if your 3-month-old female already is full-grown it is safer and more healthy. The same applies to older females that are smaller. 

The optimum age to spawn is between 8 months and a year, according to research. This is when it's at its best to breed. At this age, you know the full-grown size of your betta female and that she has developed enough to produce viable eggs and can handle the male. Female bettas are capable of remaining fertile for their entire lives, yet once they reach the age of 2-3 years, they become less fertile and generate fewer eggs.


A betta becomes mature at the age of 3 to 4 months. If you put a male and female together at this point in time, the outcome won't be as good as if you wait for the female to grow bigger. The eggs will not be fertilized well and many fries will die.

The number of eggs a betta lays also depends on its experience. A first-time betta lays around 10 eggs, but with experience, this number goes up to 30 or more. Experienced females are more likely to know what to do when it comes to spawning, so if you have a female that has spawned multiple times, she is more than likely to make additional eggs. There's a higher chance of fertilized eggs and a greater egg and fry survival rate if your male and female are experienced.


One of the most typical causes of little spawns is that the female isn't properly conditioned before releasing eggs. The pair generates a desire to reproduce during conditioning, and the female begins generating a large number of eggs. The higher your pair's condition, the greater your chances of success are, as well as the more eggs a pair can produce.

If you've been conditioning your fish for more than two weeks, it's time to try breeding them. Never attempt to breed a pair without first conditioning them; otherwise, the pair will be unprepared to spawn. Conditioning might be achieved by feeding the pair with high-protein live and frozen foods several times a day. To encourage breeding behavior and egg production, show the pair frequently to each other.

Bettas do lay a lot of eggs, but it is unusual for hundreds to develop into viable fry. If the spawn is substantial, the male will usually devour a portion of them in order to ensure that he can give adequate care to the remaining fry.

If your male isn't as experienced, there's a good chance he'll end up eating most of the eggs. However, these are just some of the variables that will determine how many eggs are actually fertilized and make it to hatching. This doesn't give a 100% success rate, but it gives you a good idea of what to expect when breeding bettas.

Betta Fish Eggs

Betta Fish Egg Care Tips 

It's always exciting to see your fish thrive in an aquarium. After all, there's no better indication that you're feeding your fish correctly and giving them the appropriate water parameters than seeing them flourish.

Seeing your fish mate and then the fry emerge from their tiny eggs might be even more thrilling. You'll be glad you decided to become an aquarist when these young fish start floating in the aquarium. But, how do I protect my betta fish eggs? Even if everything goes according to plan, a lot of work still needs to be done in order to ensure the fry's survival.

Arranging a Place for the Fish to Lay Eggs

To produce eggs in the aquarium, you must first establish suitable breeding conditions and provide a nesting site for the fish. The condition of your aquarium will decide how prepared you are to breed it.

You should put some large plants in the aquarium before there are any indications of mating if the species prefer to lay eggs in aquatic vegetation. If the fish are informed of the plants before they mate, they will conceal their eggs on them when the moment arises.

Make careful changes to the aquarium's atmosphere based on the sort of fish you have. You'll need to alter your fish tank's substrate if you have species that bury their eggs. If you don't have the required amount of cave space in your aquarium, you may have to add rocks or cavities for fish that use them as nesting sites. The nature of the fish in your tank and their breeding habits will determine your preparation.

Separating the Eggs From Other Fish

The most serious threat to eggs is from the other fish in your aquarium. The first thing that you should do is separate the eggs from other fish by building and placing a divider box. You can make a divider box using a plastic container with a lid or some other material. This will at least keep other fish at bay from the eggs. You can even move the move them to another bowl.

Leaving Unfertilized Eggs with Fertilized Eggs

Some of the eggs may also become white after a period of time. You'll almost certainly notice that these eggs appeared to be darker than the others at first. Such eggs are immediately infertile, and no fry will hatch from them. These eggs are infertile, yet you should still safeguard them from other fish. It is critical to keep the unfertilized eggs with the fertilized ones since any fish that eats an unfertilized egg will go for a fertilized egg after that.

Protecting Eggs from Inexperienced Parents

It's not uncommon for fish to consume their own eggs if they're laying them for the first time. If the fish parents are inexperienced, they can also pose a hazard to your aquarium's eggs. The best way to safeguard the eggs against the parents is to look for them. If you notice that they've abandoned their offspring, you may remove them from the aquarium and place them in a tank designed for raising fry.

What Can Kill Betta Fry

It is always a good idea to breed Bettas. However, things may not always go as planned in this process. Many breeders have had significant failures with their Betta breeding tanks. Despite having a 90 percent survival rate, some factors may contribute to the death of Betta fry. Let's make a list of factors that might be causing Betta fry demise:

Poor Water Condition 

The most significant element, when it comes to Betta Fry mortality, is the condition of your water. The water parameters have a direct impact on your Betta Fry. It's critical to provide a clean and healthy environment for developing fry. The ideal water conditions include a pH range of 7 to 7.4, as well as a temperature range of 84 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The water must be conditioned, odorless, and dust-free. It should have almost no chemical pollutants in the ppm range.

The water becomes foggy and dusty once the eggs have been fertilized and hatched. It's due to the increasing ammonia level in the tank. There are numerous waste products below the bubble nest in this stage. It's critical to change the water frequently during this period because the fry is so vulnerable to free chemical poisons.

The water in the aquarium becomes more contaminated after the fourth week. Metabolic waste products, uneaten food particles, and other organic materials begin to accumulate. These pollutants ultimately settle on the tank's floor and become home to millions of parasites.

Increased Level Of Chemical Toxins

Your fry emits waste products that include ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. These are the most destructive chemicals to your fry. Ammonia levels of more than 25 ppm, as well as nitrite and nitrogen levels of over 0.25 ppm, might be deadly. So you need a decent water testing kit to keep these chemicals at bay. The only answer for this issue is frequent water changes.

Improper Feeding Habit 

If you overfeed your fry, the excess food will decompose and release ammonia and other toxins. These toxins will then harm or even kill the fry. It's important to give them just enough food so they can consume it within 5 minutes. Overfeeding will also lead to health issues such as swim bladder disease and constipation. Feed them 2 times a day. You can remove uneaten food with a net after five minutes.

Aggressive Tankmates 

If you have other fish in the tank, they may consume the Betta Fry. These fish might be predators or just bullies that will not hesitate to eat your fry. Tankmates that are too large or small can also be a threat to the fry. The best way to avoid this problem is to separate the fry from the adults until they're big enough to defend themselves.

Parasitic Attacks

Parasitic attacks can come from a number of sources, including fungi, bacteria, and protozoa. Some of these parasites are visible to the naked eye, such as ichthyophthirius multifiliis (white spot disease), but others cannot be seen without a microscope. Parasites attach themselves to the fry's body and suck their blood or tissues. This will ultimately lead to death. There is no one magic cure for parasitic attacks. You need to identify the parasite and then treat your fry with the appropriate medication.

What Can Kill Betta Fry


Can Female Betta Fish Lay Eggs Without a Male? 

It is possible for a female betta fish to lay eggs without the presence of a male, but the eggs will not hatch and are frequently degenerate, resulting in ammonia and nitrite spikes. Healthy female bettas will always have eggs in their ovaries, and if a male is not present, they'll reabsorb and produce eggs. Female bettas may occasionally release/lay their eggs in rare cases, with some even creating a bubble nest and looking after them as if they were alive.

How to Tell if Betta Eggs Are Fertilized?

Fertilized fish eggs turn larger with each day and have a distinct gray dot in the middle, showing that they have been fertilized. It's also worth noting that bettas that emerge from fertilized eggs are frequently known as fry.

Unfertilized fish eggs, on the other hand, will be completely white and if left for a few days, you will notice that they have become fuzzy and are not developing. Betta fish eggs at bottom of the tank are mostly likely infertile. Unfertilized eggs also won't have any grey spots.

The eggs of mouth-brooding Betta fish are somewhat bigger than typical Betta eggs. Mouth-brooding males, unlike usual male Betta fish, keep the eggs in their mouths until the fry is released. When they first appear, they have a yellow tint and then darken over time.

How Many Betta Fry Survive? 

The good news is Betta Fry has a survival rate of over 90%, if the eggs are properly taken care of and if the fry tank is clean. The bad news, however, is that many fries don't make it to the second day due to poor water quality and lack of food.

If you're serious about breeding bettas, then you'll need to have a fry tank set up and be prepared to take care of the fry. If you're lucky, you might get a higher percentage, but it's also not uncommon to lose a good number of eggs.

How Do I Know If My Betta Fish is Ready to Lay Eggs? 

There are several signals that she is close to laying eggs. It's very probable that the female will alter her color slightly and then develop a striped pattern as a consequence. The female's ovipositor (an egg-laying organ) may be seen between her ventral fins. It's formed of a pretzel-shaped salt-like speck.

Why Do Betta Fish Make Bubble Nests? 

When you see a solitary betta's fishbowl filled with bubbles, it's an indication that he considers his tank to be his home and is ready to breed. Male Bettas use bubble nests to entice females to lay eggs below them.

The nests, which float on top of the aquarium and seem like a collection of small bubbles, will usually stay at the surface for a while. Male betta fish will frequently stay beneath the nest as they wait for a female to mate with them.

How Does Betta Make Bubble Nests? 

Betta fish utilize the labyrinth to take in air and propel bubbles. They then utilize saliva to form the coating that prevents the bubbles from exploding when constructing these nests.

The saliva not only protects the nests from collapsing but also helps to strengthen them. Even if you just hover a few inches from the tank, some bettas will build their nests.

What Do I Do If My Betta Fish Laid Eggs?

Once the female has laid her eggs, the male generally collects them in his mouth and places them in the bubble nest. It's usually advisable to remove the female from the tank at this point and place her in a different aquarium. If you don't remove the female, she may eat all of the eggs.

The eggs will stay in the nest for 2-3 days before hatching. It is the male's responsibility to keep the eggs safe and protect them from harm until they hatch. The first food that the fry will eat is the yolk sac, which is attached to the egg.

Once the fry has consumed the yolk sac, they will need to be fed regular food. Infusoria, fee-living nematodes such as vinegar eels, micro worms, banana worms, Walter worms, baby brine shrimp, daphnia, fairy shrimp and grindal worms are some of the live foods that can be fed to baby bettas. If you are unable to look after the fry, they will most likely perish.

Do Male Betta Fish Lay Eggs?

No, male betta fish do not lay eggs. The only fish that can lay eggs are the female bettas. Male bettas build bubble nests in order to attract a female and fertilize her eggs.

Can Betta Eggs Hatch Without Bubble Nest? 

Well, the answer is YES. Betta babies can be hatched even without the bubble nest, but the chances of their survival without the bubble nest are minimal. A male beta breathes in the air and catches it.

He next expels the air on the shallow water surface, with his saliva attached to it, into the water. The saliva causes a glue-like substance to form, allowing the air bubbles to join together to produce the bubble nest. Bubbles include air and operate like airbags. It is full of oxygen.

The babies will breathe in from the air enclosed inside the bubble nest once they are hatched.That is why it has been said that a Betta can hatch without the bubble nest, but its fry will not live if they are kept in an unfavorable environment without the bubble nest.

However, it only applies to bubble-nest bettas. The method for hatching babies for mouth-brooding bettas is considerably different.

Should You Remove the Betta Bubble Nest?

Male betta fish near the water surface of their fish tanks sometimes create nests that must be removed. This might happen, for example, when you need to clean your fish tank. When this happens, your betta fish will just build another one. But make sure not to remove the betta bubble nest if you are planning to breed them.

What Happens to Unfertilized Betta Eggs?

The male bettas gather the eggs and place them in the bubble nest. Some eggs will transform into fungus if they aren't fertilized. In this situation, it's preferable to remove them rather than infect the entire tank with fungus.

Wrapping Up

Bettas are intriguing and gorgeous fish that make wonderful pets. If you're considering adopting a betta fish, it's crucial to understand their demands and expectations before making a decision. Indeed, mixing two of your favorite animals may occasionally lead to unexpectedly new colorations or fascinating tail designs.

It is not difficult to breed bettas. The most crucial aspects are to provide appropriate breeding conditions and to carefully track the whole process. However, the bulk of your job is still ahead of you. After the eggs hatch, you must take care of them if you want them to live and thrive.

This is something that all betta fish enthusiasts should be aware of. There are certain do's and don'ts that you should follow in order to promote your fry's optimal development. Do your research, ask around, and be patient. In no time, you'll be the proud parent of healthy betta fry!

Sarah Robertson

I am a passionate blogger who also happens to be a fish keeping enthusiast. Writing about my hobby is something that I absolutely love to do, and it's no secret that my chosen topic is always centered around fish keeping.

Sarah Robertson

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