March 22

Sarah Robertson

Betta Mahachaiensis: Care, Food, Breeding, Lifespan & More

The Siamese fighting fish, better known as the betta, is a popular freshwater aquarium fish. These fish are recognizable by their long, flowing fins and bright colors. Betta mahachaiensis is a species of tropical fish that originates from Thailand's Samut Sakhon Province, which is southwest of Bangkok.

They generally reside in brackish and freshwater locations like ponds, marshes, and pools. Due to the fact that they live in such areas, it's difficult to find and catch them.

In the wild, betta mahachaiensis typically feed on small insects and fish. When it comes to keeping betta mahachaiensis in an aquarium, the water temperature should be between 72 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pH level should be between 7 and 8.5. It is ideal to keep them in a tank with a capacity of 5 to 12 gallons. Like other betta species, male betta mahachaiensis are highly territorial and will fight each other for territory and mates.

Water parameters like pH and temperature are key when it comes to keeping betta mahachaiensis, and you should also provide plenty of hiding places in the tank.  In order to breed betta mahachaiensis, it is necessary to provide a separate breeding aquarium that is at least 10 gallons in size.

Betta mahachaiensis make interesting and beautiful additions to any freshwater aquarium. They are relatively easy to care for and can be fed a wide variety of foods. When properly cared for, they can live for up to four years. With their bright colors and interesting behavior, betta mahachaiensis are sure to bring life and excitement to any aquarium.

Common names for Betta Mahachaiensis  

The name Betta mahachaiensis comes from the area in which its first specimens were discovered, Samut Sakhon Province's Maha Chai.

The Betta mahachaiensis is locally known as "ikan betah" in Thai and can also be referred to as Betta mahachai.

Betta Mahachaiensis Lifespan

The lifespan of betta mahachaiensis fish is approximately 5 to 7 years. The betta mahachaiensis has a complimentary respiratory organ, which is quite unusual among fishes! It's fascinating because it allows the fish to breathe air on the exterior when oxygen levels in the water are low.


Nipa palm trees are all throughout their habitats, and it acts as hiding places for the fish. The nipa palm trees have phytotelmata, which are tiny water-filled cavities in their leaves.

The betta mahuchanis prefer to nest in these phytotelmata, and it's a typical location for them to be seen. Unfortunately, this beautiful fish is on the verge of extinction due to human activities such as habitat destruction and the capture and sale of this magnificent creature.

Mature males build their bubble nests among palm branches or within the bracts at the base of the trees, providing protection and shelter. Although brackish populations of both B. imbellis and B. splendens have been discovered, it is the only member of the genus to do so.

The most common sympatric fish species of wild betta mahachaiensis are Trichopsis vittata, Trichopodus trichopterus, Anabas testudineus, Aplocheilus panchax, Oryzias javanicus, Dermogenys siamensis, Channa striata, and Boraras uropthalmoides.

Maximum Standard Length:

Generally, Betta mahachaiensis has a standard height of 50 – 60 mm. However, in some cases, they can grow more than that.

Betta Mahachaiensis Feeding


They are both insectivores and carnivores and will eat anything made of flesh, including insects. A betta mahachaiensis requires a balanced diet like all other living creatures.

A healthy betta diet must include proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in appropriate proportions. Because the betta is a carnivore, it should be fed live bloodworms, shrimp, and daphnia. You can also feed them Flakes or pellets.

They may eat whatever they want since they have a voracious appetite. So you shouldn't overfeed them. Twice a day, offer them small amounts of nutritious food for a healthy lifestyle.

Feeding Regime

Make a habit of feeding your betta once or twice a day, and fast him once a week since bettas are prone to obesity.

Betta Mahachaiensis Care:

Betta mahachaiensis' care is comparable to that of its siblings in the magnificent species complex. It's not tough to care for your Betta mahachaiensis as long as you ensure your tank accommodates them and study up on purchasing your fish.

Here are a few things to keep an eye out for while setting up a Betta Mahachaiensis tank:

Aquarium Size: A single betta mahachaiensis should be kept in a tank with a capacity of 5 to 12 gallons. If you're adding a pair of fish to an aquarium, make sure it has at least 20 gallons of water space so they won't fight.

Tank Setup: A Betta mahachaiensis is a nocturnal fish that prefers dimly lit aquariums. Many plants should be added to replicate their natural environment.

It's a good idea to get a filter with a flow rate between 4 and 5 times the volume of your aquarium.

Temperature: The ideal water for the tank should be in the range of 72°F to 79°F (22 – 29 °C) and have a pH level between 5 and 8.5. Betta mahachaiensis are shy fish that enjoy modest light as well as many hiding places.

pH: Betta mahachaiensis tank's ideal pH is 7.0 - 8.5.

The average pH of the water at locations in Samut Sakhon Province ranged from 6.87 to 7.80, and the salinity level varied from 1.1 to 10.6 ppt.

Hardness: The water hardness is best at 90 – 357 ppm.


It is adaptable to both medium-hard and hard fresh or slightly brackish water, though it thrives best in a well-planted, shady tank with lots of surface cover provided by tall stem or floating plants. Driftwood, and other plants such as Microsorum, may also be utilized in addition to it.

The use of dry leaf litters, such as beech, oak, or almond leaves, is also advised. It not only provides additional shelter for the fish but also establishes microbe colonies as decomposition takes place.

The microorganisms present in the soil may be a secondary food source for fry, and the tannins and other chemicals released by decaying leaves are thought to be beneficial.

The tank should not be excessively water-filtered, and an air-powered sponge filter should be set to turn over gently. Cover the tank well and do not fill it completely. It needs to be able to leap occasionally over the surface of the water, and it is a fantastic jumper. 

Tank Mates

They get along with other peaceful fish and little fish because they are not a danger.

If the enclosure is capable of keeping the males separate from each other, a few can be added to the tank. As long as the tank is more than 20 gallons in size, you can also add Asian bottom like Kuhlii.

Betta Mahachaiensis is compatible with loaches and cyprinids since they live incomparable water conditions. Although other species may distract the pair during spawning.

The Amano shrimp is the only shrimp recognized to live and reproduce in brackish water, but there's no assurance that they won't be eaten by the Betta.

Breeding Betta Mahachaiensis

Breeding Betta Mahachaiensis:

The tank must be pleasant for your betta mahachaiensis when breeding them. The breeding of the betta mahachaiensis is a simple procedure that begins with the creation of a separate tank just for breeding. Without the heated, humid air produced by a tightly sealed tank, the fry will not be able to form a fully functional labyrinth organ.

Before putting both male and female betta mahachaiensis in the breeding tank, you'll need to feed them with extra nutrients to make them stronger for reproduction. Before you put the male betta mahachaiensis into the breeding tank, you must condition him for anywhere from one to two weeks.

To get ready for the eggs, the male betta mahachaiensis will start making his bubble nest. Slowly add the female to the tank so that she may reconnect with the male. The male will then begin the mating process by swimming quickly in order to demonstrate his flare and impress the lady. He might perform a sort of "dance" by swimming on the spot and wiggling his fins as part of his courtship ritual.

When the pair of betta mahachaiensis is ready to mate, you will see them go into the bubble nest. The female will release the eggs, and the male will collect them and place them in the bubble nest. The male may become overprotective of the eggs on rare occasions, seeing the female as an invader.

If you see the male engaging in violent behavior towards the female, remove her from the breeding tank and let the male take care of the eggs. The eggs will hatch within 24 to 48 hours and stay inside the bubble nest for approximately 4-5 days. You will need to feed the fry tiny live prey like tubifex and daphnia for the first 5-6 months of their life. Adult betta mahachaiensis then adopt a natural diet.

Behavior and Compatibility

Because much bigger or more powerful species are likely to intimidate and dominate it, it's best kept alone or with very calm kinds. Small cyprinids and loaches that live in similar habitats in nature are compatible, but the presence of any other fish may be a distracting influence if a pair decides to spawn.

Multiple males can be kept in a tank when there is enough shelter and no lines of sight, although it's usually preferable to isolate pairs for breeding purposes.

Sexual Dimorphism

Males are more colorful and have more-extended fins than females.

Male vs Female

Betta mahachaiensis are among the most beautiful wild betta fish, and they are generally sought after for their appearance. There are a few variations in color and fin shape between the male and female Betta mahachaiensis.

Green or blue metallic scales adorn both males and females. Brownish color covers the entire body of the female fish beneath the vivid scales. The male fish's hue is darker, almost black, than that of the female.

The bright green or blue scales sit on top of the dark hues of both female and male fish, giving them an iridescent sheen. They have black stripes down their fins with either blue or green patterns. Despite the fact that they appear to be similar in hue, the male is considerably brighter and more vibrant than the female.

Similar Species 

The Betta mahachaiensis is similar to other Betta species in the Betta splendens group. The Betta mahachaiensis, on the other hand, is quite straightforward to distinguish from those in the complex.

Betta mahachai has a spade-shaped tail, whereas Betta splendens fish do not (unless they were crossbred). Their vertical blue/green operculum bars are also known to be an easy distinguishing factor.

How much does a betta Mahachaiensis cost


How much does a betta Mahachaiensis cost?

They aren't costly at all. They typically range in price from $3-$5 each.

Can betta Mahachaiensis live together?

Betta mahachaiensis are less defensive, but males will lose their temper and attack tankmates. So they should be kept in isolation.

Is Mahachaiensis Betta aggressive?

Just like other betta fishes, Mahachai/Mahachaiensis Bettas are aggressive and they should be kept in isolation.

How to get a Betta Mahachai to spawn?

The Betta mackhai breeding cycle can be triggered in a few simple steps. Raising the young fish, on the other hand, is more difficult but isn't unattainable for all with adequate preparation. To achieve your fish's spawning, you must first provide them with a way of life that matches their needs and makes them happy.

What is the difference between a Betta smaragdina and a Mahachai?

The easiest method to tell the difference between these two types is by looking at the face scales on the fish; betta mahachaiensis will have a dark line through the middle, while Betta smaragdina will have its cheeks completely covered in snakeskin-like scales, unlike Mahachai.


In conclusion, the betta mahachaiensis is an easy-to-care-for aquatic pet that is excellent for beginning aquarists. They are one of the most beautiful wild betta fish, and they are generally sought after for their appearance. There are a few variations in color and fin shape between the male and female Betta mahachaiensis. Males are brighter and more vibrant colors than females.

They are also easy to maintain since their habitats naturally have harder water. You don't have to use RO or distilled water to soften the water. The only downside is that they can be quite aggressive to their own kind, so they should be kept in isolation. Spawning is not difficult to achieve, but raising the young can be challenging. If you provide them with a proper environment and meet their needs, these fish will thrive in your tank.

The betta mahachaiensis will undoubtedly add a beautiful glisten and pop to your tank!

Sarah Robertson

I am a passionate blogger who also happens to be a fish keeping enthusiast. Writing about my hobby is something that I absolutely love to do, and it's no secret that my chosen topic is always centered around fish keeping.

Sarah Robertson

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