November 4

Sarah Robertson

Gold Laser Cory: How to Care for Your New Pet

The Gold Stripe Cory Catfish (Corydoras sp. CW010), also known as the Gold Laser Cory Catfish, is a recently discovered species that originates in Peru. The Gold Laser Cory is uncommon in the aquarium world; nevertheless, they are sought after owing to their color, toughness, docility, and ability to clean up tanks' bottoms.

It is a very animated, brightly colored schooling fish that is ideal for a nano, community, or planted aquarium. It has not yet been scientifically characterized, but it is believed to be a geographic variant of Corydoras aeneus or C. melanatainia.

The Gold Stripe Cory Catfish is a docile schooling fish that gets along well with most nano aquarium animals, including dwarf cichlids and angelfish. It's a classic scavenger that will prowl the aquarium floor for food.

Thus sand or smooth gravel substrate is best to protect their barbels. Its delicate barbels and underside are susceptible to harm when used with a coarse substrate. They are omnivores that enjoy most dry and frozen meals. They should have a diet rich in vegetables as well as meaty foods.

The Gold Cory Catfish will do best in an aquarium with plenty of hiding places and plants. Driftwood, rocks, and caves all make good hiding places for these fish. It is suitable for most tropical freshwater conditions as long as normal regular maintenance is performed and abrupt changes are avoided.

Read on for all you need to know about the Gold Cory Catfish, including their care, diet, habitat, and more in this thorough guide!

Quick Facts about Gold Laser Cory

  • Scientific Name : Corydoras aeneus
  • Other Names: Orange Laser Cory, Orange Stripe Cory, Peru Orange Stripe Cory, Cw010 Gold Laser Cor, Gold Neon Stripe Laser Cory
  • Family: Callichthyidae
  • Genus: Corydoras
  • Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to Peru
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet: Omnivore, High-quality dry foods as well as live and frozen meaty foods. Variety is essential.
  • Lifespan: Up to 5 years
  • Average adult size : 3 inches (7.5 cm)
  • Average purchase size : 1 - 1.5 inch (2.5 - 3.8 cm)
  • Temperature : 72° - 82° F (22° - 28° C)
  • PH: 6.0 - 7.2. Softer water is preferred.
  • Best kept as Groups 5+
  • Minimum tank size: 15 gallons for a school of 6
  • Aquarium Level: Bottom
  • Shoaling: Yes
  • Reproduction: Egg-Scatterer
  • Compatibility: Softwater community
  • Lighting: No special requirements
  • Social behavior: Peaceful; requires a school of 6 or more to thrive.
  • Difficulty: Beginner - Intermediate

Gold Laser Cory Care 

The spectacular Gold Laser Cory catfish is perfect for a soft water community aquarium. Due to its shoaling nature, they should be kept in groups of 5 or more. In order to safeguard the sensitive sensory barbels, a soft sand substrate is suggested, and some shaded planted spaces should be provided.

Gold Laser Cory can breathe air through their intestines, so a tiny gap should be left between the surface of the water and the cover slides for them to come up to the surface and get air. It's possible for it to do this several times each day.

Weekly water changes of 20% should be conducted to maintain their ideal environment. Gold Laser Cory may not be able to survive if the water is poorly aerated. So, make sure they have a big enough filter and/or air stone.

Gold Laser Cory Size 

Gold Laser Corys will reach an adult size of 3 inches (7.5 cm). Their small size and peaceful nature make them ideal candidates for the nano aquarium. When you buy a Gold Laser Cory, it will most likely be 1.5 inches (3.8 cm). They will reach their full development if you offer them good nutrition and decent living condition.

Gold Laser Cory Lifespan 

Under proper care, a Gold Laser Cory can live for up to 5 years in the aquarium. To live long and happy lives, it is important to provide them with a stress-free environment, good water quality, and a nutritious diet. Keeping these fish with other aggressive species may have a devastating effect on their health and lifespans; they will not live as long if they are housed together.

Gold Laser Cory

Gold Laser Cory Appearance 

The body color of Gold Laser Cory is yellowish-brown or greenish-yellow, with yellow fins. The shoulder stripes on their dorsal (top) surface are yellow to gold and run from the head's bottom to the caudal peduncle. The midbody band of this species is a darker green that covers the fish's entire length to its tail, and the operculum has a gold blotch.

Though they are small, these Corys look amazing when kept in groups. They have an elongated and slightly flattened body shape that is common to all Corydoras species.

Sexual Dimorphism 

Male and female Gold Laser Corydoras are easy to tell apart. Female bettas are larger and stockier in the body. They have rounder anal fins as well. In comparison, males are thinner and have more pointed anal fin tips than females.

Gold Laser Cory Behavior 

Gold Laser Cory are generally peaceful fish that require a school of 6 or more to thrive.  In their natural habitat they congregate in groups of more than 1000, exhibiting sociable tendencies. So it is necessary to add as many as possible in the home aquarium to provide safety and encourage natural behaviors.

They are active swimmers that spend most of their time foraging along the tank bottom in search of food. They are peaceful fish but may sometimes nip at the fins of long-finned fishes. They are typically shy when first introduced to a new aquarium but will quickly acclimate and become more comfortable over time.

They are Compatible with most adult dwarf shrimp and other invertebrates. The gold Laser Cory fish flourishes in an aquarium that has been well-planted. They will not damage the plants in the aquarium. Aquatic plants will provide protection and additional security, resulting in a more confident group of fish.

They are not known as fussy eaters, and they will accept most food items. It is, however, essential to provide them with a varied diet that includes both plant and animal matter.

Gold Laser Cory Feeding 

The Gold Stripe Corydoras is an omnivorous feeder that will eat most high-quality dry, frozen, and live foods. Live or frozen bloodworms, white mosquito larvae, white worms grindal worms, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, Daphnia, tubifex and good-quality dried foods such as sinking catfish pellets, wafers and granules are all accepted. It is simple to feed the Gold Laser Corydoras in an aquarium.

To maintain a healthy diet, it is best to feed them small meals 2-3 times a day rather than one large meal. They are Bottom Feeders, so make sure that the food reaches the bottom of the tank. Overfeeding can lead to health problems such as obesity and swim bladder disease.

It is necessary to provide a varied diet that includes both plant and animal matter.

It is also necessary to provide a source of algae and small crustaceans in the aquarium for them to graze on. This can be achieved by adding live plants or providing a piece of driftwood for them to nibble on.

You should also supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals to ensure that they are getting all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. To avoid pollution, all uneaten food should be removed from the tank.

Gold Laser Cory Tank Mates 

Gold Laser Corys are generally peaceful fish, and they make excellent tank mates for a variety of other species. Small to medium-sized tankmates would be ideal for these Corys. Some of the suitable tank mates include:

  • Tetras (Cardinal Tetras, Black widow Tetra)
  • Guppies
  • Mollies
  • Platies
  • Swordtails
  • peaceful Barbs
  • Dwarf cichlids
  • Danios
  • Rasboras
  • Gourami
  • Apistogramma
  • Discus
  • Angelfish

It is safe with other peaceful ornamental invertebrates and most larger shrimp, but it might feed on smaller dwarf shrimp. They also like the company of their own kind, therefore they should be maintained in groups of five or more individuals.

Gold Laser Cory

Gold Laser Cory Tank Setup 

Gold Laser Corys are native to the rivers and streams of South America, where they live among the plants and rocks. While setting up a tank for Gold Laser Corys, be sure to include plenty of hiding places and a sandy substrate. Here are a few things to consider while setting up a Gold Laser Cory tank:

  • Tank Size: A 15-20 gallon tank is a good size for a small group of Gold Laser Corys.
  • Filtration: A canister filter or hang-on back filter with the moderate flow is ideal for a Gold Laser Cory tank. Be sure to include a sponge pre-filter on the intake of the filter.
  • Lighting: Gold Laser Corys do best in a tank with low lighting. Live plants can help provide some shading in the tank.
  • Substrate: A sandy substrate is best for Gold Laser Corys. They like to sift through the sand looking for food.
  • Decor: Include plenty of hiding places in the form of rocks, and driftwood.
  • Plants: Gold Laser Corys do well in a planted tank. Live plants will also help provide some shading in the tank.
  • Water Conditions: Gold Laser Corys are tropical fish and prefer water with a temperature between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit. A pH of 6.5-7.2 and moderate hardness levels around 5-19 dGH is ideal for Gold Laser Corys.

Gold Laser Cory Breeding 

This species has been bred in home aquariums. If given the option, a one-to-two ratio of males to females is ideal. By doing a substantial, somewhat cooler water change, you may induce mature pairs to reproduce.

The couple will adopt the conventional "T" position, in which the male fertilizes the female's eggs between her pelvic fins. They will then deposit batches of the adhesive eggs onto decor, plants, or aquarium walls, and the process is repeated until she is completely depleted of eggs.

The female may lay anywhere from 10 to 40 eggs during each spawning, which hatches within four days.

Gold Laser Cory Fry 

Once the eggs hatch after 4 days, the fry is free-swimming and can be fed very small live foods, baby brine shrimp, Moina, and such like. Fry are delicate and need to be in a well-oxygenated aquarium with hiding places. There are many reports of fry not surviving their first week. This is due to several factors, one of which is a lack of understanding of their nutritional requirements.

An alternative to live foods is commercially available Cory fry food or infusoria. Maintaining ideal water temperature and good water quality is extremely important for the survival of Cory fry.

As they grow, you can feed them larger foods such as bloodworms, tubifex, daphnia and eventually flakes or pellets. Be sure to crush the pellets into a powder, as Corys have a very small mouth. Corys can be slow growers, sometimes taking up to a year to reach full size.

Gold Laser Cory Diseases 

Gold Laser Cory is notorious for developing infections and diseases if they are not cared for properly. Some of the most common problems include:

  • Ich/Ick: This is a parasitic infection that causes white spots to form on the fish. It is usually fatal if left untreated.
  • Protozoan Infection: These are single-celled parasites that can infect the gills, skin, and fins of fish. They can cause serious damage to the fish's organs and often lead to death.
  • Fin Rot: This is another common disease in Gold Laser Corys, and is caused by a bacterial infection. It can be treated with a variety of antibiotics, but the best way to prevent it is to keep their tank clean and to provide them with a good quality diet.
  • Velvet: This is a parasitic infection that can be deadly to Gold Laser Corys. It is important to catch it early and to treat it immediately with the proper medication.
  • Hole in the Head: This is a serious condition that can be caused by a number of factors, including poor water quality and a lack of nutrients in the diet. If left untreated, it can be fatal. Keeping the tank clean and providing them with a good quality diet can help to prevent this condition.

If you think your Gold Laser Cory may be sick, it is important to take them to a qualified veterinarian for treatment. Most of these diseases can be easily treated if caught early, but they can quickly become fatal if left untreated. Prevention is always better than cure, so be sure to keep their tank clean and to provide them with a good quality diet.

Gold Laser Cory


How Big Do Gold Laser Corys Get? 

Gold Laser Corys are a small species of fish, and they only grow to be about 2-3 inches in length. Since they are small they can be housed in a relatively small tank, but it is important to provide them with plenty of hiding places and plenty of room to swim. A 15-20 gallon aquarium is sufficient for a small group of these fish.

How Do You Breed Gold Laser Corydoras? 

Breeding Gold Laser Corydoras is not difficult, but it does require a bit of planning and preparation. First, you will need to set up a breeding tank that is at least 20 gallons in size and has a sandy bottom. The breeding tank should also have plenty of hiding places and plants for the fry to hide in when they are born. It is also important to have a good filter and to do regular water changes to keep the tank clean.

They are known to breed most effectively in groups with a 4:2 male-to-female ratio. To breed, use slightly cooler water during water changes and add plenty of surface activity when filling the tank. This will help to stimulate breeding. Once the female is ready to lay eggs, she will do so on the plants in the tank. The male will then fertilize them.

Once the eggs are laid, the parents should be removed from the tank to prevent them from eating the eggs. The eggs will hatch in 4-5 days, and the fry will be free-swimming a few days after that.

Are Gold Laser Corys Rare? 

The Gold Stripe Cory Catfish is a relatively recent species that is native to Peru. Its coloration is unusual in the aquarium hobby, but it is highly sought-after owing to its green body with a thick neon yellow stripe down its shoulder and side. It is not a particularly rare fish, but it can be difficult to find in some areas.

Do Gold Laser Cory Need a Heater? 

Tropical fish, such as Gold Laser Corys, thrive in water that is between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. A good quality aquarium heater is necessary to maintain these temperatures in the tank.

Does Gold Laser Cory Need a Filter? 

Yes, Gold Laser Corys need a filter to keep their water clean and free of toxins. A good quality canister or hang-on-back filter is ideal for their tank. Be sure to choose a filter that is rated for an aquarium of at least twice the size of your tank.

How Often Should You Feed Gold Laser Cory? 

Gold Laser Cory are bottom-dwelling scavengers that will eat just about anything they can find. In the wild, they spend most of their time searching for food. In the aquarium, they should be fed 2-3 times per day.

What Do Gold Laser Cory Eat? 

Gold Laser Corys are bottom-dwelling scavengers that will eat just about anything they can find. In the wild, they spend most of their time searching for food. A good quality sinking pellet or flake food is ideal for their diet, and they will also enjoy live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.

Final Thoughts 

Gold Laser Cory is a beautiful and unusual species of fish that make a great addition to any freshwater aquarium. They are peaceful, hardy, and easy to care for, making them an ideal choice for beginners.

With proper care, these fish can live up to 5 years or more in the home aquarium. They are schooling fish, so be sure to keep them in groups of at least 4-6 fish. They are relatively easy to feed and breed, and their fry is easy to care for.

If you are looking for a beautiful and unusual fish for your aquarium, the Gold Laser Cory is a great choice! We hope you enjoyed this care guide and that it was helpful in providing you with information on Gold Laser Cory.

Sarah Robertson

I am a passionate blogger who also happens to be a fish keeping enthusiast. Writing about my hobby is something that I absolutely love to do, and it's no secret that my chosen topic is always centered around fish keeping.

Sarah Robertson

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