March 26

Sarah Robertson

Half Moon Betta Fish Care and Tips

The Half moon Betta Fish is one of the most popular types of Bettas. They get their name from their unique tail, which is shaped like a half-moon. These fish require a lot of attention to their care, but with a bit of work, they can make for an impressive addition to any tank.

One of the most important things to remember when caring for a Halfmoon Betta Fish is that they need a lot of space. These fish can grow up to 3 inches in length, so they need an enclosure that is at least 10 gallons. It's also important to have plenty of hiding places and Aquatic plants in their tank, as they like to explore and hide.

About Halfmoon Betta Fish

The Half Moon Betta Fish is one of the most attractive fresh water fish you can keep in your aquarium.  The Halfmoon Betta, on average, is 7.5 centimetres long. It has a streamlined body shape that allows it to swim freely and effortlessly through open clean water.

The fish's body is covered with overlapping scales that resemble the shingles on a house's roof. The tails of Halfmoon betta fish species are approximately 180 degrees and fan-shaped, making them among the most beautiful tropical fish. They're recognized for their bright hues—red, blue, green, purple, and orange—and large flowing fins. 

Origin Of Halfmoon Betta Fish

Halfmoon Betta Fish Care

Bettas are tiny, but they still require some attention. They're tropical fish that require a lot of space and temperature control to survive.

Overcrowded conditions, which are a major cause of stress and immune system suppression, as well as an increased risk of infection, should be avoided. With regular water changes, maintain good water quality.

Every morning, water and equipment need to be tested (if used). Check the water quality at least once a week. Change a third of the unfiltered water in tiny habitats (less than 2 gallons) once to twice a week, every 3-4 days, in large aquariums. The total volume of water should be changed every 2-4 weeks in larger aquariums or as needed. Change the filter media cartridge at least once a month and only use dechlorinated water for complete water changes.

Origin Of Halfmoon Betta Fish

Bettas were first kept in Thailand (formerly Siam) almost 150 years ago. The betta was brought to the United States in the early 19th Century and quickly became a favourite among hobbyists. Breeders began crossing vibrant colors and fin shapes to create new Bettas varieties. The halfmoon betta fish is found in Southeast Asia throughout countries such as Thailand and Indonesia in the wild. They are popular among new hobbyists because of their simplicity to maintain and beautiful appearance.

Typical Behaviour Of Halfmoon Betta Fish

Halfmoon Bettas are very active and enjoy swimming. They're also known for being aggressive, territorial fish, so it's important to provide them with plenty of space.

The male halfmoon betta fish is notorious for being extremely aggressive. He will go after any other male bettas that appear to be encroaching on his home territory. For a period of time, he may even tolerate female betta fish of the same species. Halfmoon bettas are frequently seen as solitary fish.

Abnormal swimming patterns are typically the first tell-tale indications that something is wrong with your betta. You could observe your betta as being intoxicated, swimming in circles, or drifting with the current.

Another betta variant is the 'Plakat'. They're comparable to halfmoon bettas, although their fins are smaller.

Habitat and Tank Conditions Of Halfmoon Betta Fish

The Halfmoon Betta requires a Larger tank with enough swimming area. The Betta tank should be at least 5 gallons, and 10 gallons is preferable.

Water temperature should be kept at a comfortable level in order to keep your halfmoon betta happy and engaged. It should not be hot water or cold water. Bettas prefer calm water with a pH between 6.8 and 7.5.

While they may seem to tolerate cooler temperatures, they will be inactive and more susceptible to disease, therefore it's best for their overall health to keep the temperature between 76° and 85° F. A heater is required to keep the temperature consistent.

Soft water is preferred by bettas, although they can tolerate a wide range of GH levels ranging from 5 to 20 DHA or 70-300 ppm. Hard water may be harmful to bettas, regardless of the level.

Ammonia and nitrite should be kept at 0.5 ppm or lower, but ideally as close to zero as possible, while nitrate levels should be kept at 20 ppm or below.

What Tank Mates Can Live With Halfmoon Betta Fish?

A variety of tankmates may be kept with a Halfmoon Betta fish, but it's critical to select compatible companions. The best tank mates of Halfmoon Betta Fish are:

  • Kuhli Loaches
  • Ember Tetras
  • Malaysian Trumpet Snails
  • Harlequin Rasboras
  • Cory Catfish

Diet Of Halfmoon Betta Fish

Halfmoon betta fish are known to be carnivorous in the wild. The ideal betta fish diet consists of freeze-dried food, live foods (mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, bloodworms), and fish flakes or pellets that are high in crude protein. The finest halfmoon betta fish diet recreates these specific nutritional needs while avoiding the use of extra and indigestible fillers.

Halfmoon Betta fish have extremely short digestive systems and are unable to break down fillers like corn and wheat. Many pellet and flake foods contain these fillers, which might cause bloating and digestive issues (for example, constipation). Fillers have no nutritional value for bettas and are simply passed off as waste. Fibre and moisture are also crucial to the proper digestion of bettas.

Breeding the Halfmoon Betta fish 

The halfmoon betta breed best when they are between 4 months and 1 year old. In the presence of other species in their tank, these fish are unlikely to breed. It's better to isolate them from other fish and keep them in a tank alone for breeding purposes.

The Ideal Setting for Halfmoon Betta Fish Reproduction

The ideal conditions for successfully breeding betta fish involve whether the Betta breeding tank environment is suitable for forming a durable bubble nest and the eggs' hatching.

The air at the top of the tank should be quite humid in order to create an ideal environment. To make sure it is, cover the tank's top with a large piece of plastic wrap. Wetting and smoothing plastic wrap over the tank's edge is easy.

Conditioning the Halfmoon betta fish for breeding

Check that your male and female halfmoon betta fish are prepared to breed. For about two weeks before adding them to the breeding tank, condition both fish. Provide rich, meaty foods like bloodworms, tubifex worms, or daphnia for Betta when conditioning them. These meals may be frozen or freeze-dried, however live meals are typically superior in nutrition.

How to Introduce the Female fish to the Male in Breeding Tank

Keep the female betta fish away from the male as they breed. This can be done in a few ways, including floating the female in a clear container and keeping the male out, or utilizing a divider like a regular aquarium divider or a tall glass lantern that is open on both ends.

When both fish have been introduced to the breeding tank, the process of breeding betta fish begins. When the male and female are unable to interact yet recognize each other, they'll start displaying that they're ready for mating.

Once the male betta fish has noticed the female, he will flare his fins at her and dance around her in an attempt to pique her interest. His hues will also become more intense and vivid.

Even more so than the male, the female betta's features will alter. Her hues will also darken, and black stripes may be seen on her body. These lines should be vertical; if they're horizontal, she isn't ready to breed.

A tiny white tube will become visible behind the female's ventral fin. This is the ovipositor, where the eggs will be produced. These changes are an important indicator that she is ready to reproduce.

The Bubble Nest

The bubble nest is one of the most fascinating aspects of betta breeding. Once male betta becomes interested in the female, the male betta fish will start to build this nest. The nest, as the name implies, is composed of saliva-coated air bubbles. The bubble nest has two functions. First, it aids a betta in determining whether the male is a suitable mate for her. She will thoroughly inspect the nest before breeding it. The nest also aids in the protection of the eggs until they hatch.


The bubble nest of the betta fish should be ready in between 12 and 24 hours. This is the moment to let the male and female betta fish interact. The female should swim straight to the bubble nest after being set free. She will either depart or destroy the bubble nest if she is unhappy with it.

When the female signals to the male that she is ready to mate, they will approach one another and move closer to the nest. The male will flip her over and wrap himself around her. The male and female will embrace several times until all of the eggs are released. The eggs release, and the male picks them up and delivers them to the bubble nest.

Removing the Female Betta Fish

When the male and female halfmoon bettas cease hugging, the female should be removed from the tank. The majority of females will consume their just-laid eggs, so it's best to let the male handle all egg care. Once again, the male will become territorial and may attack the female at this point.

Egg Hatching & Caring for the Betta Fry

Betta eggs hatch in two to three days. The young bettas, or fry, will wiggle out of their eggs and fall from the nest after couple days. The male will gather them up and return them. The fry is unable to swim on their own yet and need time to mature.

HHalfmoon Betta Is Happy And Healthy

How Can You Tell Your Halfmoon Betta Is Happy And Healthy?

Betta Bubble Nests
When a happy halfmoon betta fish creates a "bubble nest," it's a good indication that he or she is content. On the water surface, look for a cluster of bubbles, or perhaps you'll witness your betta blowing the nest

Feeding Behaviour
Halfmoon bettas are clever fish that can be trained to perform tasks like swimming through hoops. One indicator of their intellect is knowing when it's feeding time. When you come to the tank to feed it, a pleased, well-adjusted betta will begin swimming around.

Normal Activity
A healthy fish in his environment will engage with his surroundings on a regular basis. If a halfmoon betta only stays in one spot, especially at the bottom of the tank, and disregards his surroundings, he may be unwell.

Not Hiding
A happy halfmoon betta fish is one that can be easily found in his tank from day to day. This is a sign of a stressed or possibly sick betta fish if you have trouble finding your betta in the tank because he is constantly hiding.

Effortless Swimming
A healthy and happy halfmoon betta will swim in their tank on a regular basis. They'll move about almost lazily at other times, but they'll flit from side to side rapidly at others. If your betta is swimming easily and isn't leaning to one side or battling, he or she is in excellent health and spirits.

Is the Halfmoon Betta Suitable for Your Aquarium? 

The halfmoon betta is a beautiful but fragile fish that requires a great deal of care. These fish are not appropriate for every tank, and they need particular features to survive.

How Long Do Halfmoon Bettas Live & How To Improve Their Lifespan?

The typical life span of a Halfmoon Betta Fish is two to three years. They can live up to six years if properly looked after. There are a number of elements to consider in order to improve the life expectancy of your Halfmoon betta.


Your Halfmoon betta will benefit from a properly balanced protein-based diet that provides it with all of the nutrients it needs to live a long life. Do not put too much plant material in the tank and remove any extra food from the water.

Tank Size And Exercise

At least one research has shown that bettas kept in larger tanks (at least several gallons) and given with balanced nutrition and “exercise” (they were “chased around” with a stick for a short amount of time) lived to be over 7 years old. Smaller containers with no “exercise” led to shorter lifespans in a control group.

Water Quality

A good filter, live aquatic plants, regular debris removal, and the use of a water conditioner will keep your Halfmoon betta's water clean, pH and GH-balanced, well-oxygenated.

Tank Environment

With all of that in mind, you may be wondering how to design the ideal aquarium for a Halfmoon betta. To create a physically pleasant and low-stress environment where your Halfmoon betta can thrive and enjoy a long life, add in a water heater, regular lighting, and appropriate tank furnishings (and compatible possible tank mates).

How to Identify a Sick Halfmoon Betta Fish?

When a fish gets ill, betta color might seem to be fading. He may even go entirely white. Its fins should be intact in a healthy halfmoon betta. A sick betta might develop holes or rips in its fins. Another indicator of sickness is if your betta's fins are clamped to the body; that is, they aren't fully spread out.

If your halfmoon betta is unwell, his activity level will diminish. He won't be as energetic as usual. His motions will become slower.

Examine your betta's feeding habits. Your fish may temporarily stop eating if he is ill. If your betta shows no interest in food, he may be sick.

Look for breathing problems. It may sound funny to check a fish for breathing problems. However, if your betta is constantly at the top of the tank trying to get more air, that is likely a sign of a problem.

Keep an eye on your betta's rubbing or scraping. If your halfmoon betta is attempting to rub against the side of the tank, it's possible he has a problem. Similarly, if your betta is attempting to scratch on plants or items in the aquarium, he may be sick.

HHalfmoon Betta

What Are Common Diseases That Affect Halfmoon Betta Fish?

There are a number of illnesses that may affect Halfmoon Betta Fish. These disorders might be induced by a variety of factors, such as Dirty water, unclean living conditions, or incorrect food or excess food.

The following are the most frequent ailments that Halfmoon betta fish suffer from:

  • Fin and Tail Rot: The fins and tails of betta fish are susceptible to fin rot. It might be caused by microorganisms or fungal Infections. The fins and tail appear to erode away, dissolving, or discolouring as a result of rot.
  • Columnaris: This is a bacterial disease that causes the fins to ragged and frayed. It also produces skin ulcers or sores, white spot or stains on the mouth, cottony growth on the mouth, scales and fins, and gills discoloration. If the gill infection and damage are not treated, the fish may experience difficulties in breathing.
  • Hemorrhagic : The redmouth, often called hemorrhagic, is a deadly disease that causes severe bleeding in the fish's mouth and eyes. To avoid the illness, the aquarium must be disinfected to destroy Yersinia ruckeri, the microorganism that causes it.
  • Dropsy: This is a harmful disease of the kidneys. Internal fluid accumulation may induce swollen belly or abdomen in infected fish. External-sticking white scales, sunken eyes, and other issues are also identified.
  • Pop Eye: On one or both eyes, this condition causes edema (swelling). A tumor or a viral infection might be the cause of the swelling.
  • Eyecloud: Commonly known as cloudy cornea, this disease causes white films on the eyes.


Can You Put Halfmoon Bettas Together?

You may mix and match Halfmoon Betta specimens, although they are likely to quarrel. It's important to provide a variety of hiding places in the aquarium so that each fish has one if need be.

How Big Do Halfmoon Betta Fish Get?

The average length of a Halfmoon Betta Fish is 2.5 inches. They may reach up to 3.5 inches in length, however, on rare occasions they can grow up to 4 inches long. The long-tailed halfmoon betta, like other Bettas, can reach a maximum length of about 3 inches. Hybrid types may be bigger.

Can Halfmoon Betta Fish Jump?

Halfmoon betta fish, contrary to popular belief, are capable of leaping rather high. It's remarkable when you consider how tiny they are. The typical betta is able to leap 2-3 inches out of the water. 

Are Doubletail Halfmoon Bettas Rare?

Two tails are typical of the double tail betta, which is due to a genetic mutation that causes their caudal fins to split at the base and develop in two lobes. The double tail Halfmoon betta has a poor survival rate among its offspring, making it rare.


One of the most beautiful freshwater fish you can put in your aquarium is a Moon-shaped Betta. This type of Betta has bright hues, as well as a tail shape that resembles a half moon. They should be treated like other Betta fish. You can help your Halfmoon Betta Fish stay healthy and live a long life by taking Proper care.

It's time to get your fish tank ready!

Sarah Robertson

I am a passionate blogger who also happens to be a fish keeping enthusiast. Writing about my hobby is something that I absolutely love to do, and it's no secret that my chosen topic is always centered around fish keeping.

Sarah Robertson

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