When most people think of guppies, they automatically picture the bright and colorful fish that are commonly found in pet stores. What many people don't realize is that there is actually a wide variety of colors and patterns that these little fish can come in - including purple!
Both the caudal and dorsal fins of Purple Guppies are a solid purple hue. Purple guppies aren't as hardy as typical fancy guppies due to selective breeding. So, only purchase guppies of this sort if you have significant expertise in fishkeeping.
If you're lucky enough to find purple guppy for sale, be sure to purchase them from a reputable dealer or fish keeper. It's best to buy 6-8 fish at a time so they can socialize and feel comfortable in their new environment. When setting up a tank for your purple guppies, it's important to create a peaceful and calming environment. Be sure to use smooth, rounded gravel and rocks rather than anything sharp or jagged. Live plants are also a good idea, as they'll provide your fish with hiding places and help to oxygenate the water.
With proper care, purple guppies can be a beautiful and entertaining addition to any aquarium!
To learn more about the care of purple guppy, read on!!
Quick Facts about Purple Guppy
Purple Guppy Care
As we mentioned before, purple guppies are not as hardy as other fancy guppy strains. So, it's important to take extra care when setting up their tank and maintaining aquarium water quality.
When choosing a tank for your purple guppies, be sure to select one that is at least 5 gallons in size. These fish do best in groups, so it's important to have enough space for them to socialize and swim around comfortably. It's also a good idea to use a tank with a lid, as purple guppies are notorious jumpers!
When it comes to filtration, we recommend using a sponge filter. These filters are gentle and won't cause too much of a water current, which can stress out your fish.
To keep your purple guppies healthy and happy, it's important to perform regular partial water changes and maintain a stable water temperature. These fish are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and water quality, so it's important to be vigilant about testing your water parameters. We recommend performing a 20% water change every 2 weeks, or as needed.
Maintaining an ideal water temperature is important for all fish, but it's especially critical for purple guppies. These fish are very sensitive to ammonia and nitrites, so be sure to test your water regularly.
Purple Guppy Size
In comparison to general guppies, purple guppies are considerably larger. They have longer tails and fins, as well as a thicker body frame.
Male adults can reach a length of 2 inches (5 cm), while female guppies typically grow to be 2.5-2.8 inches (6-7 cm).
Purple Guppy Lifespan
Although you might anticipate a long lifespan for such a rare and expensive fish as the purple guppy, they actually only have an average lifespan of 2 years.
The lifespan of guppy fish is determined by a variety of factors, including water temperature, balanced diet, water quality, breeding frequency, and stress. So if you want your purple guppies to live a long and happy life, be sure to provide them with the best possible care!
Purple Guppy Appearance
Purple guppies tend to have longer dorsal and caudal fins. Some very rare strains feature an anal fin that is one or two times the length of their body. The most common color variation is a dark, iridescent purple. However, they can also come in light purple color.
Purple guppies are considered a "fancy" guppy strain because of their unique coloration. They are beautiful fish when displayed in a well-decorated guppy aquarium.
Popular aquarium fish like purple guppies come in different color patterns and variations. Some of the most popular ones include:
Solid Purple Guppy
This is the rarest and most sought-after type of purple guppy. The fish have a solid purple coloration with no other markings or patterns.
Purple Moscow Guppy
This is one of the most popular purple guppy strains. The fish have a dark purple body with iridescent fins. The Purple Moscow guppy is a solid-colored fish with a vibrant texture on its head. Black coloring is typically seen on this species of guppy.
Purple Mosaic Guppy
This is a very rare strain of purple guppy. This species is one-of-a-kind due to its distinctive tail. This fish's shining silver coloration with a tinge of purple makes the tank look more luxurious.
Purple Dragon Guppy
This is another rare strain of purple guppy. The fish have a dark purple body. These fish's long trailing fins seem like a skirt and complement their beauty. Bright color, a big tail fin, and a pointed anal fin are some of their distinct features. As the name suggests, these fish has dragon-like pattern on their fins which makes them more attractive.
Half Black Purple Guppy
The HB Purple Guppy is a very rare strain. A half-black purple guppy is a type of fish that has the half-black body trait. The X and/or Y chromosomes carry the half-black gene. There is a lot of variation in the appearance of purple guppies. No two fish are exactly alike!
American Purple guppies are in demand all over the world, due to their beauty and rarity. Purple guppies are also available with Dumbo ears, which are a genetic mutation that causes the fish to have larger than normal ear-like fins. Dumbo purple guppies are very popular aquarium fish because of their unique appearance. These fish are also known to be very peaceful and easy to care for.
If you're looking for a specific color or pattern, be sure to do your research before making a purchase.
Purple Guppy Behavior
Purple guppies are very peaceful fish. They can get along with other fish species, as long as they are not too aggressive.
In the wild, purple guppies live in small groups or shoals. In captivity, it is best to keep them in pairs or small groups.
Male purple guppies are known to be very territorial. They will often chase other male fish away from their territory. Female purple guppies are not as aggressive as males, but they can still be territorial toward other females.
Purple guppies are known to be good jumpers. Be sure to keep a tight-fitting lid on your guppy aquarium to prevent them from jumping out.
Purple guppies are active fish and enjoy swimming around. They are not known to be fin nippers, but they may nibble on the fins of other fish if they are hungry. It is best to keep them with other peaceful fish species that have similar size fins.
Purple Guppy Feeding & Diet
Purple guppies, like all guppies, are omnivores. They'll eat anything, including commercial flakes, vegetable pellets, frozen food, spirulina, or even home-cooked meals.
Your purple guppies will thrive on a balanced diet of live or frozen foods. Brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms are all good choices. Be sure to feed your fish several times a day in small quantities rather than one large meal. This will help to keep the water quality high and prevent overfeeding.
High-Quality Fish Pellets or quality flake foods are also good diet options. As with all fish, it is important to offer a variety of foods to ensure a balanced diet. This will help to keep your fish healthy and prevent nutritional deficiencies.
To grow beautiful and healthy purple guppies, feed them as much live food as possible such as brine shrimp, daphnia and vinegar eels and avoid commercial foods as much as possible.
A good rule of thumb is to feed your fish 2-3 times a day, only as much as they can eat in 2 minutes. This will help to keep the aquarium water quality high and prevent overfeeding.
Although micro worms and blood worms are excellent sources of nutrients for fry, too much can be detrimental to adult guppies because of the fat content.
Purple Guppy Tank Mates
Purple guppies are friendly with a wide range of fish, much like other guppy strains. This fish is best kept with other peaceful fish. Some compatible tank mates include:
It is best to avoid keeping purple guppies with larger fish that may view them as food. Angelfish, bettas, and barbs are not good tank mates for purple guppies. Aggressive fish such as cichlids and barbs are also bad tankmates. If you put these fish in your tank with purple guppies, they might bully or eat them.
Purple Guppy Tank Setup
The purple guppy is a hardy fish that can adapt to a wide range of water conditions. They also prefer a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding places. The best option for ensuring the long-term health and happiness of these fish is to provide them with a tank that replicates their natural habitat. For setting up a purple guppy tank, you will have to consider the following:
Tank Size
The minimum tank size for purple guppies is 10 gallons. If you plan on keeping a group of guppies, you will need a larger tank. It is important to use a lid on your tank, as guppies are known to jump out of tanks. In a 10-gallon tank, three males and four females can cohabit for a week or so. If you want to breed them successfully, you must keep males and females apart. Therefore, it is advised to keep 3 males in one 10-gallon aquarium and 4 females in another 10-gallon fish tank.
You can keep up to 30-50 fry in a 10-gallon aquarium for roughly 3-4 weeks. When the fry matures, you must split them apart.
Water Parameters
Guppies can support a wide range of water parameters. However, the best water conditions for purple guppies are:
The ideal water temperature for keeping fish is between 74 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit or 23 to 28 degrees Celsius. The pH level of the water should be 6.8 to 7.6, and the hardness should be 8 to 12 dGH. Ammonia levels, Nitrites and Nitrates should be at 0 ppm.
Aquarium Decor
When setting up your purple guppy tank, be sure to include plenty of plants and hiding places. Guppies are timid fish and need places to hide when they feel scared or threatened. Live aquarium plants are a great way to provide hiding places and improve the water quality of your tank.
Some good plant choices for a purple guppy tank include:
Apart from plants, you can also use driftwood, rocks, and caves to provide hiding places for your guppies.
Since purple guppies are such active fish, they produce a lot of waste. That's why it's important to have a good filtration system in place. A canister filter or a hang-on-back filter will work well for a purple guppy tank.
Guppies don't need special lighting, but they do prefer dimmer conditions. A standard aquarium light will suffice. If you have live plants in your tank, you might need to get a stronger light to help the plants grow.
Purple Guppy Breeding
If you're interested in breeding purple guppies, there are a few things you'll need to do to create an adequate environment for your tropical fish. First, you'll need to purchase a tank that's at least 10 gallons in size. You'll also need to purchase a filter and an air pump. Lastly, you'll need to add some live plants to the tank. For the success of breeding, it is essential to choose the breeding pair carefully. When selecting a breeding pair, you should look for healthy fish with bright colors. The male guppy should have long, flowing fins. Before the breeding process, breeding pairs should be kept in a separate tank from other fish. This will help to prevent the male guppy from chasing and bullying the female.
When it comes to adding purple guppies to your tank, you'll need to purchase at least six fish. This will ensure that you have a good mix of male and female guppies. Once you've added the guppies to the tank, you'll need to monitor them closely. You'll want to remove any fish that seem to be fighting.
You'll also want to keep an eye on the water quality. You'll need to perform regular water changes and make sure that the nitrite and ammonia levels are low. If you notice any problems with the water quality, you'll need to take action immediately.
If everything goes well, you'll eventually start to see baby guppies in your tank. At this point, you'll need to remove the parents from the tank. This is because they may eat their own young. Once the babies are a few weeks old, you can add them back into the main tank.
Breeding guppies can be a fun and rewarding experience. Just make sure that you create a welcoming environment for your fish and monitor them closely. With a little bit of care, you'll be able to successfully breed purple guppies. Just like other guppies, Purple guppies are livebearers. This means that they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. The female purple guppy will store the male’s sperm in a sac located near her tail. She can then use this sperm to fertilize her eggs as she produces them.
A single female purple guppy can produce anywhere from 30 to 100 offspring in a single spawning. The fry, or baby guppies, will be born fully formed and able to swim.
It's essential to offer live animal food on a daily basis and make water changes during the breeding season.
Purple Guppy Fry
The fry will need to be fed small live foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia. You can also purchase commercial foods that are designed for baby fish. The fry must be sorted by sex and size, as well as properly culled. Young fry that are around 3 months old can already show the colors and shapes of their parents that you want to see in future generations.
As they grow older, the fry will start to compete for food. This is why it's essential to remove the parents from the tank once the fry is a few weeks old. The parents may eat their own young if they're not removed from the tank.
You'll also need to perform water changes on regular basis and make sure that the ammonia and nitrite levels are low. If you notice any problems with the water quality, you'll need to take action immediately.
Purple Guppy Diseases
As with any pet, there are a few diseases that your tropical fish like purple guppies may be susceptible to. Some of these diseases can be treated with medication, while others may be fatal. It is important to be familiar with the signs and symptoms of these diseases so that you can quickly seek treatment for your fish if necessary.
Some common diseases that purple guppies may experience include:
Swim Bladder Disease:
This is a condition that affects the guppy’s swim bladder, which is responsible for helping the fish maintain its buoyancy. Symptoms of swim bladder disease include listlessness, swimming awkwardly, and floating upside down. This disease is often caused by poor water quality or a sudden change in water temperature.
This is a condition characterized by swollen scales, bloating, and fluid buildup around the fish’s organs. It is often fatal, and there is no known cure. However, it can be prevented by maintaining clean water conditions and quarantining new fish before adding them to your tank.
Fin Rot:
This is a bacterial infection that causes the fins of the fish to rot away. It is often caused by poor water quality or physical trauma (such as being attacked by another fish). Symptoms include frayed or ragged fins, and the disease can be fatal if left untreated.
This is a parasitic infection that causes the fish to develop a velvety coating on their bodies. It is often fatal but can be treated with medication if caught early.
While there are many diseases that purple guppies may experience, there are also many ways to prevent them. Some simple tips include:
By following these simple tips, you can help create a healthy environment for your purple guppies and prevent many common diseases.
If you suspect that your fish is sick, it is important to seek treatment from a qualified veterinarian as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment can often be the difference between life and death for your fish.
How Do I Make My Guppies Purple?
There are a few ways to achieve purple coloration in guppies. One way is to purchase fish that already have the desired coloration. Another way is to use food additives or dyes. However, these methods are not always reliable and may result in unhealthy fish. The best way to guarantee purple coloration in your guppies is to purchase fish from a reputable breeder or fishkeeper who specializes in this coloration.
How Much Do Purple Guppies Cost?
The cost of purple guppies can vary depending on the source. However, they are typically more expensive than other color morphs of guppy. This is because they are less common and often require special breeding techniques to produce. However, prices can range from $10 to $20 per fish.
Where Can I Buy Purple Guppies?
Purple guppies can be purchased from many pet stores and online retailers. However, it is important to purchase them from a reputable fishkeeper to ensure that you are getting healthy fish.
What Do Purple Guppies Eat?
Purple guppies are not picky eaters and will typically eat anything that is small enough to fit into their mouths. Some common foods include brine shrimp, bloodworms, and quality flake food. It is important to provide a variety of foods to ensure that your fish are getting all the nutrients they need.
Can I Keep Purple Guppies with Other Fish?
Yes, purple guppies can be kept with other fish. However, it is important to choose tank mates carefully. Some fish may bullying or nipping at the fins of the guppies. It is also important to avoid keeping them with fish that are too small, as the guppies may eat them.
How Many Purple Guppies Should I Have?
The number of purple guppies you should have depends on the size of your tank. It is generally recommended to have one guppy per two gallons of water. However, more fish can be kept if the tank is larger or if there are plenty of hiding places and shelter available.
Do Purple Guppies Need a Heater?
No, purple guppies do not need a heater. They can tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and do not require any special heating equipment.
Do Purple Guppies Need a Filter?
Yes, all fish need a filter to remove toxins and waste from the water. Without a filter, the water in your tank will quickly become polluted and your fish will become sick.
How Often Should I Change the Water in My Tank?
It is generally recommended to change the water in your tank every two weeks. However, this may need to be done more often if the tank is small or if the fish produce a lot of waste.
How Do I Know if My Purple Guppy is Sick?
There are a few signs that may indicate that your purple guppy is sick. These include lethargy, loss of appetite, Cloak and Dagger breathing, and abnormal feces. If you notice any of these signs, you should take your fish to a qualified veterinarian as soon as possible.
What Should I Do if My Purple Guppy Dies?
If your purple guppy dies, you should remove it from the tank as soon as possible. This will help prevent the spread of disease to the other fish in your tank. You should then clean and disinfect the tank to prevent any further deaths.
Can Guppies Be Purple?
Yes, guppies can be purple. This is a relatively rare coloration, but it is possible to find purple guppies for sale at pet stores and online retailers. Compared to other color morphs of guppy, purple guppies are typically more expensive. This is because they are less common and often require special breeding techniques to produce.
How to Make Purple Guppy?
There is no one specific way to make a purple guppy. This is because the coloration is caused by a mutation, which can occur naturally or through artificial selection. However, breeders typically use special breeding techniques to produce purple guppies. Best methods include crossbreeding different color morphs of guppy.
What is the Average Lifespan of a Purple Guppy?
The average lifespan of a purple guppy is 2-3 years. However, this may vary depending on the individual fish and its environment. For example, fish that are kept in poor conditions or that experience a lot of stress are more likely to have a shorter lifespan.
Final Thoughts
Purple guppies are a popular type of fish that are easy to care for and make a great addition to any aquarium. They are not picky eaters, do not require a heater, and can be kept with other fish. However, it is important to choose tank mates carefully and to provide plenty of hiding places. Purple guppy typically live for 2-3 years.
Their purple color is caused by a mutation and can occur naturally or through artificial selection. However, To get purple guppies, breeders use certain techniques. By following the tips in this article, you can create a adequate environment for your purple guppies and help them thrive. These popular fish are easy to care for and make great additions to any aquarium. With a little bit of knowledge and effort, you can provide them with the perfect home and ensure that they have a long and healthy life.