May 30

Sarah Robertson

How to Take Care of Your New Platinum Guppy

Platinum guppy is a popular guppy variant in the present market. The Platinum White Guppy is an elegant white-colored fish that's well known among hobbyists of all levels of experience. Platinum guppies have platinum hues on their entire body, caudal fin, dorsal and tail. Not only do these have a long tail, but they also look good under different light conditions.

They have an elegant appearance. They are generally tiny and fast swimming. Platinum Guppy Fish is one of the most popular choices for fish keepers around the world because they are easily available and reasonably priced. They look very attractive as the platinum color reflects light in a way that no other color can, seeming as if they were built of platinum metal.

The shining Platinum Guppy is adaptable to a wide range of water conditions and is highly resilient. They are omnivores and require a combination of algae-based and meaty meals. To give appropriate nutrition, supplement flake diets with freeze-dried bloodworms and micro pellets.

Platinum Guppies are usually seen at the top of the water column, but they occasionally swim and feed in the middle and bottom levels too. They tend to jump, so it's advised to keep them in an aquarium with either a lid/canopy or lowered water level. Platinum guppies are not known to eat or bother plants, and they get along well with other peaceful fish as long as those other fish don't try to nibble on their long tail.

To know more about beautiful Platinum Guppy, read on!!

Quick Facts About Platinum Guppy

  • Scientific Name : Poecilia Reticullata
  • Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to Northern South America
  • Color: Platinum
  • Lifespan: Up to 2 years
  • Size: 0.6 – 1.4 inches (Male)
    1.2 – 2.4 inches (Female)
  • Diet Type : Omnivores
  • Tank Size: For three fish, five gallons.
  • Tank Set-Up: Freshwater fish, plants, and substrate
  • Temperature: 64° - 82° F (18° - 27.7° C)
  • pH: 5.5 - 8.0
  • KH: 10 - 30 dKH
  • Compatibility: Other peaceful community fish
  • Caring: Easy
  • Social Behavior: Peaceful, schooling/shoaling.

Platinum Guppy Care

As with most fish, the Platinum Guppy is a hardy and adaptable creature that can live in a range of water conditions. Their natural habitat is slow-moving streams and rivers in South America, so they are used to being in close quarters with other fish.

Platinum Guppies enjoy hard water. The hardness of the water generally rises as pH levels rise. Most tap water has a neutral pH level of 7.6, making it ideal for housing Platinum guppies.

Although you may be inclined to use tap water for your fish, beware that it usually contains chlorine and chloramine. These chemicals, while not harmful to humans in low quantities, can cause great harm or even death to your fish.

They prefer brackish water, which is a combination of freshwater and saltwater. It has a salinity that is greater than fresh water but less than seawater. These guppies live in the wild and subsist on a diet of worms, larvae, bloodworms, and various small insects.

When it comes to housing, platinum guppies are not particularly fussy. The Platinum Guppy is a schooling fish, which means they prefer to live in groups. In the wild, they can often be found in large schools numbering in the hundreds. In captivity, it is recommended to keep them in groups of at least four fish.

Taking care of your new Platinum Guppy is not difficult, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, these fish are very sensitive to changes in water quality, so be sure to keep a close eye on your water parameters. Second, Platinum Guppies are known to be fin nippers, so it is important to keep them in a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots. Lastly, these fish are relatively fragile and do not do well with rough handling, so be sure to handle them gently.

Platinum Guppy Size

Platinum Guppies are a type of small fish that have an elongated body. They stand out due to their short dimensions, making them very attractive.

Male and female guppies have different sizes. Male guppies are between 0.6 and 1.4 inches long, whereas female guppies are between 1.2 and 2.4 inches long.

platinum guppy

Platinum Guppy Lifespan

Platinum Guppy fish have an average lifespan of 2 years, but they can live up to 3 years if their tank is kept clean and well-maintained. The lifespan of these fish can be extended by providing them with a high-quality diet and regular tank maintenance. Some factors like water quality and stress can shorten their lifespan.

Platinum Guppy Appearance

These guppies are a type of fish that is known for their beautiful tail. The Platinum Guppy has a long, flowing tail. There are two types of white-color cells in full platinum guppies - leucophores and iridophores. These cells give the guppy its distinctive silver-white coloration. The terms "dull" and "shiny" are typically used to distinguish between the two types of platinum guppies. Dull guppies have a matte finish, while shiny guppies have a lustrous sheen.

There are several types of Platinum guppies. The following are some of the most common types:

Albino full platinum Guppy:

The three main types of full platinum (Snow White Platinum Guppy) are Albino full platinum, Albino blue platinum and Albino full gold platinum. Because of the combination of yellow platinum hue and white leucophores, albino full platinum appears to be unique. Albino blue platinum appears as if it is a combination of white and gold with a very slight blue hue. The presence of albino genes in these guppies turns their eyes pink, making them stand out against the other guppies.

Schimmelpfennig Platinums:

Schimmelpfennig Platinum is a rare variant that may be found in the market and is mostly utilized to develop different distinct types of guppy. It has a mutation that differentiates them from other full platinum and gold due to the platinum gene. The most popular types of these breeds are the Schimmelpfennig platinum sword, Double yellow, Eldorado, Redfin metal spear tail, Blond platinum spear tail, and Platinum red mosaic Guppy.

Platinum Red Big Ear Guppy

As the name suggests, this type of Platinum Guppy has big red ears. Its unique color and pattern make it one of the most popular platinum guppies in the market.

Gray Full Platinum Guppy 

Gray Full Platinum guppies are a type of full platinum that have a gray body coloration. The gray color is the result of a mutation in the iridophore cells. These cells are responsible for the reflection of light, which gives the fish its distinctive coloration.

Platinum White Black Eye Guppy Fish 

Platinum white black eye guppy fish is a type of full platinum that has a white body coloration with black eyes.

Platinum Red tail Elephant Ear Guppy

These are guppies with the Platinum body, Redtail and Dumbo blue ears. These Dumbo Platinum Red Tail Guppy have a gentle nature and get along well with other aquarium dwellers. They're also tough and can adapt to different environments, making them great candidates for living at the top of your tank.

Platinum Blue Guppy 

The Platinum Blue Guppy is a type of full platinum that has a blue body coloration. Platinum Blue Male Guppy looks much more attractive than females.

Platinum Red Tail Guppy :

The Platinum Red Tail Guppy is a relatively recent color variant of the popular guppy that has just recently become available. The guppy's color is striking, with vivid blue coloring and red fins in the males. Females of this guppy variety are less colorful than males, but they still have a decent amount of red coloration. It has a long, flowing tail and a dorsal fin that give it an extremely elegant appearance. This is a stunning, exquisite fish that makes a wonderful centerpiece for any tank. Females are extremely uncommon and, when they do come on the market, they command a significant price.

Yellow Platinum Guppy 

The yellow platinum guppy is a beautiful, vibrant fish that is sure to add some color to your aquarium. Yellow platinum guppies are a relatively new color morph, and as such, they are not yet as common as some of the other colors. Yellow platinum guppies are easy to care for and make a great addition to any aquarium.

Platinum Chilly Red Mosaic Guppy 

This type of guppy is characterized by its beautiful red coloration. The fins of this fish are a deep chilly color, and the body is a light pinkish-red. This fish is a shy and timid creature that does not do well in high-stress environments.

Platinum Koi Guppy: 

The Platinum Koi Guppy is a beautiful and unique color morph of the popular guppy fish. The body of this fish is white with Orange fins and spots. They look similar to typical Koi fish, hence the name. Platinum Koi Guppies are relatively new and as such, they are not yet as common as some of the other colors. Platinum Koi guppies are easy to care for and make a great addition to any aquarium.

Sexual Dimorphism:

Male Platinum guppies are easily distinguished from females. By closely looking at them, you will be able to notice the gender difference.

Platinum male Guppies have the following characteristics:

  • Shorter and thinner in length
  • Have brighter hues
  • Beautiful tails and patterns
  • Big fins
  • Anal fin modified into a gonopodium

Platinum female Guppies have the following characteristics:

  • Longer and bulkier than average
  • Pale colors
  • Short fins in comparison to other fish of the same species
  • Large abdomen with a dark gravid spot ( an indicator that the female is pregnant)
  • Eggs visible through body coloration in pregnant females
platinum guppy

Platinum Guppy Behavior

Platinum Guppies are peaceful fish that can get along with other tank mates. They are not known to be nippy or aggressive, and they will not bother other fish in the tank. However, they may become aggressive towards their own species if they feel threatened.

Guppies are social creatures and do best when kept in groups. They are known to be very active swimmers, and they will often swim in schools with other fish. Guppies are also known to be good jumpers, so it is important to have a lid on your tank to prevent them from jumping out.

Your Platinum Guppy will likely spend most of its time swimming around the tank. They are not known to be bottom-dwellers, and they will often swim in the middle or top of the tank.

Platinum Guppies are not known to be finicky eaters. They will usually accept most types of food. They don't disturb plants or decorations in the tank, and they are not known to be peaceful towards other fish.

Platinum Guppy Feeding & Diet

In the wild, platinum guppies often have to compete for food. In the home aquarium, however, they should be provided with a steady diet of high-quality flakes or pellets. To ensure that your fish are getting enough nutrition, you can supplement their diet with freeze-dried bloodworms and micro pellets. It is best to feed them several times a day in small quantities. Guppies are opportunistic eaters and will often overeat if given the chance. This can lead to health problems such as obesity and swim bladder disease.

Platinum Guppies are known to be choosy eaters, but they generally enjoy live, artificial, and frozen foods. Because their mouths and stomachs are small, it's important to give them food that is appropriately sized. We recommend that you feed your pets 2-3 times a day with an amount they can eat in 3 minutes.

Some of the best food options for platinum guppies include the following:

  • The best live food for Platinum guppies includes blood worms, tubifex, brine shrimp and corethra.
  • Platinum guppies should be fed with artificial foods like flakes, pellets, and other well-known trademarked packaged meals.
  • Vegetables, fruits, and other pre-packaged meals are some of the Frozen foods for Platinum guppies. Guppies benefit greatly from vegetables and fruit because they provide a highly nutritious feed.

You should avoid overfeeding your Platinum Guppies as it can lead to health problems. You should also avoid giving them food that is too large for them to eat. This can cause choking and other problems.

Platinum Guppy Tank Mates

Platinum no Guppies are peaceful, non-aggressive fish that does not cause problems for its tankmates. They are non-aggressive and get along well with other small peaceful fish. Platinum Guppy can be kept with the following tankmates:

  • Dwarf Gourami
  • Harlequin Rasbora
  • Mollies
  • Platy
  • Cherry Barb
  • White Cloud Mountain Minnow
  • Bristle-nose Pleco

Larger, predatory fishes such as Green Terror, Tiger Barb, Tetra Fish, Angelfish and Jack Dempsey should not be kept in the same aquarium as Platinum Guppies. These fish may see the Guppy as prey and may harm or eat them. Keeping them with larger fish may cause stress and may lead to aggression from the larger fish.

When choosing tank mates for your Platinum Guppy, it is important to consider the temperament of the fish, the size of the fish, and the compatibility of the fish. It is also important to make sure that the tank is large enough to accommodate all of the fish.

You should also avoid keeping Platinum Guppies with other aggressive fish such as Bettas, Barbs, and Cichlids. These fish may bully or harass the Guppy, and this can lead to stress and may even cause death.

Platinum Guppy Tank Setup

For optimal care, your Platinum Guppy should be kept in a tank with all the appropriate conditions. The following is a list of the minimum requirements for a Platinum Guppy tank:

Tank Size

The minimum tank size for a small group of Platinum Guppy is 5 gallons. A larger tank is always better, and a 10 to 20-gallon tank is ideal.

Water Temperature 

The ideal water temperature for platinum guppies is warm, so they prefer to live in tropical environments. The temperature of the water has an influence on guppies' metabolism.

If the temperature in your aquarium tank becomes too high, your guppies will not live as long. The gestation period will also get shorter and Newborns will have less immunity against illnesses as they are unable to fully develop their immune systems.

The guppies will not only grow larger, but their lifespan will extend if the aquarium temperature is lowered significantly. Although they are prone to getting ill. Though they will be born larger, babies will suffer from an array of health problems later in life.

Creating and maintaining a stable temperature is essential to keeping Platinum guppies healthy. The ideal temperature for guppies is between 22°С and 28°С (72°F and 80°F). You can install a heater in the fish tank to help maintain a warm, healthy climate for your guppies.

pH Levels

Platinum Guppies are usually very hardy fish, and they can withstand different pH levels. Although they don’t prefer soft acidic water. The optimum pH level for Platinum guppies is 5.5 - 8.0. It is highly recommended that you maintain the Best pH levels for your guppies' habitat.


The substrate is the material that you use to line the bottom of the tank. There are many different types of substrates available, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks.

You should avoid using a substrate that is too abrasive, as it can damage the Platinum guppy's delicate fins. Sand or gravel are good choices for a guppy tank.


Plants are not a requirement for a Platinum guppy tank, but they can provide your fish with hiding places and help to oxygenate the water.

If you do choose to add plants to your tank, be sure to select species that are safe for aquariums and that will not outcompete the guppies for food.

Some good plant choices for a guppy tank include Java Fern, Hornwort, and Anubias.


Filtration is an important part of any aquarium, and it is especially important in a Platinum guppy tank. Platinum Guppies produce a lot of waste, and a good filter will help to keep the water clean and clear.

There are many different types of filters available, and the best filter for your tank will depend on its size and the other fish that you have. A good filter for a guppy tank is a canister filter or a hang-on-back filter.


Platinum Guppies do not require special lighting, but they do prefer dimmer conditions. If you choose to add plants to your tank, be sure to select an aquarium light that will provide the appropriate amount of light for plant growth.

Aquarium lights are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Be sure to select a light that is appropriate for the size of your aquarium and the type of plants that you have.

platinum guppy

Platinum Guppy Breeding

If you have decided that you would like to breed your own platinum guppy, there are a few things you will need to know. You must decide on the male-to-female ratio. This is extremely essential since male guppies pursue female guppies in order to breed. Too many males in the tank can lead to a situation where the females are constantly chased and never given a chance to rest. To avoid this, maintain a 1:3 ratio of males to females. Guppies that are not reproducing can have a longer lifespan.

Males approach females from below and extend their gonopodium (a slender rod near the anus), starting the mating process, when they're ready to reproduce. Females can keep sperm in their bodies for three months, which is quite a long time. The gestation duration is around 28 days on average, although it can range from 21 to 40 days. Depending on her age and size, a female can give birth to anywhere from 20 to 200 fry. Pregnant females acquire enormous, spherical patches on their stomachs called gravid spots. These spots darken as the female gets closer to giving birth. If you see a gravid spot on your female guppy, get ready for baby guppies!

When everything is said and done, you will be left with a lot of fry (baby guppies). It is best to remove the fry from the main tank as soon as they are born. This can be done by using a breeding box or a fry trap. These are small tanks that can be placed inside the main tank. The fry can then be moved to a separate tank when they are big enough to fend for themselves.

Steps For Breeding Platinum Guppies Like A Pro

The Platinum Guppies are among the most adorable and low-maintenance fish available. It would be fantastic if you could breed your guppies and fill up your aquarium with these lovely guppy fish. We have gathered a step-by-step guide regarding breeding guppies so that even beginners can master the ability. Here are the steps that you need to follow for breeding platinum guppies:

Selection of Platinum Guppies To Breed 

One of the most crucial steps in guppy fish breeding is to choose the parents. The color, form, size, tail designs, skin patterns, and fins of your newborn guppy fry will be determined by your parent selection. The guppy fry will have the same color if you pick two similar forms, size, and hue guppies. By mating guppies of different colors and sizes, the fry will be a hybrid of the two and inherit the best traits from each parent. We recommend you to acquire guppies that are free of deformities and appear attractive.

Choosing the ideal number of Male and Female guppies for Breeding

Guppies are often bred at a ratio of 1 male to 2 females, or 1 male to 3 females, for breeding purposes in order to make breeding stressful because the attention of one male is divided among two to three females rather than one. Otherwise, the male guppy will become enraged and pursue the female guppy, disrupting her gestation period.

Selection Of Guppy Breeding Box/Tank

A typical breeding box or aquarium tank can hold 20 gallons of water, which is generally used to start breeding guppies with up to 5 fish. If you want to add more fish to the same tank, simply increase the capacity.

Setup The Platinum Guppy Breeding Tank

To construct a guppy breeding tank, first, select a suitable heater size that will be used to maintain a tropical temperature of 20 to 26 degrees Celsius or 70 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. A gentle filter should be installed rather than a powerful one as the small baby guppies or guppy fry might get sucked up. Also, proper lighting fixtures should be installed to simulate day and night in the aquarium. Substrates, on the other hand, should not be used since they cover the bottom of the aquarium. In order to keep track of how many fry are alive, a transparent bare bottom is recommended. Java moss and other low-lying plants can create safe havens for guppy fry, as they will often be targeted by their own parents.

Starting Breeding Process Of Platinum Guppies

You can start breeding your guppies once you have selected them and set up a breeding box. Begin by carefully transferring your male and two female guppies into the tank so that everything can continue. Guppies are known for their quick breeding. Once they get familiar with the tank, they will start breeding frequently. Give your guppies 24 hours to adjust to their new home, and then make sure to have healthy food options available for them. If you see the males and females around each other, this is a good sign that they're ready to breed! It's also important to keep track of the tank's temperature and light levels.

Signs Of Pregnancy On Platinum Guppies

By looking at the guppy's gravid spot, it is simple to determine whether she is pregnant or not. This region will become darker as the eggs in this area will be very apparent. It typically takes 26-31 days for eggs to develop. During this time, the gravid spot will darken and form a box shape. Maintain a proper diet for your guppies during this period and be patient - it'll all be worth it in the end!

Look for Signs Of Delivery in Platinum Guppies

Female guppies are known for their unusual behavior during this time. They will shiver and become less active, preferring to be near warm places like heater. They also avoid eating food or spitting the food out. Rather than laying eggs like most other fish, guppies give birth to live young. You must check on her for delivery every day to remove her from the tank as soon as the breeding is finished since guppies can become cannibalistic and consume their own young.

Caring For New Born Platinum Guppy Fry

Generally, Guppies give birth to 5-60 babies at a time. However, most of them die young and don't reach maturity. All fry should be kept in a separate tank from other adults as they can eat them, and this will increase their chances of surviving. Also, every day, clean 40% of the water in the tank to maintain proper hygiene. Remove any dust or dirt from the tank on a regular basis. Also, attempt to keep the tank at the correct temperature. Feed the guppy fry with high-quality foods. To clear the water, use a mild filter. The typical growth period for a guppy is around one month and a half. They can be kept with non-aggressive fish after they have grown to their normal size.

Platinum Guppy Fry

Guppy fry is a voracious feeder right after birth. Newly hatched brine shrimp and powdered dry food, when mixed together, make excellent, nutritious sources of food for your young fry.

When your fry gets bigger, you should make an effort to do water changes on a regular basis to maintain water quality and stimulate growth.

You should also keep an eye on the size of your fry's food. As they grow, their mouths will get larger, and they'll be able to eat bigger pieces of food.

As your fry continues to grow, you can slowly start introducing them to other fish. Be sure to only introduce fish that are non-aggressive and won't try to eat your fry.

After a few months, your fry will be fully grown and ready to start their own families!

Platinum Guppy Diseases

One of the biggest dangers to your Platinum guppy is the disease. Platinum Guppies are susceptible to a number of different diseases, so it's important to be on the lookout for any signs that something might be wrong.

Some of the most common symptoms of illness in guppies include:

  • Lethargy
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Cloudy Eyes
  • Red or White Lesions on the Body
  • Unusual Behavior

If you notice any of these symptoms in your guppy, the best course of action is to isolate the fish in a separate tank and consult a veterinarian or experienced fish keeper as soon as possible. The disease can spread quickly in a fish tank, so it's important to act fast if you think something might be wrong. The sooner you catch and treat a disease, the better the chances are that your guppy will make a full recovery.

Some common diseases that can affect guppies include:


This is a parasitic infection that causes white spots to form on the body of the fish. It is usually fatal if not treated quickly.

Gill Flukes: 

This is a parasitic infection that affects the gills of the fish, causing them to become inflamed and swollen.

Guppy Bloat: 

This is a condition that can be caused by too much food, or by eating the wrong kind of food. Symptoms include a bloated stomach, lethargy, and lack of appetite. If you think your guppy might have bloat, stop feeding them immediately and contact your vet.

Swim Bladder Disease:

This is a condition that affects the swim bladder and can be caused by constipation, stress, or overfeeding. Symptoms include floating upside down, difficulty swimming, and an increased appetite.

Fin Rot: 

This is a condition that is caused by bacteria and can be spread through the water or by other fish. Symptoms include frayed or ragged fins, redness or inflammation, and lethargy.

If you think your guppy might be sick, the best thing to do is to take them to the vet for a check-up. Early diagnosis and treatment is often the key to a successful recovery.

platinum guppy


How Long Do Platinum Guppies Live? 

In the wild, guppies can live for up to one year and live to be three years old in captivity. Most will die between two and five years of age in captivity. The main reason guppies live longer in captivity is that they are fed greater volumes of food and have room to swim and breed.

How Big Do Platinum Guppies Get?

Males grow to be about 2.5 cm (6.3 cm) and females grow to be about 4 cm (1.6 in).

The average purchase size of this fish is normally 1 - 1.5 inches (2.5 - 3.8 cm) or larger.

What Do Platinum Guppies Eat? 

Guppies will eat just about anything, even algae growing within the aquarium. You can offer your guppies a wide range of foods, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, flake foods, pellets, and Easy Fry and Small Fish Food.

To keep your guppies healthy and their colors bright, it is best to feed them a variety of foods.

How Often Should I Feed My Platinum Guppy?

Feed your guppies two to three times per day, but only offer them as much food as they can eat in one sitting. It is best to remove any uneaten food after 10 minutes to prevent it from rotting and polluting the water.

Do Platinum Guppies Produce a Lot of Waste?

Guppies produce a lot of waste, so it is important to have a good filtration system in place. Aquariums with more guppies will need stronger filtration to keep the water quality high.

Can I Keep More Than One Platinum Guppy Together?

Yes, you can keep multiple guppies together. In fact, they do best in groups of three or more. This will allow them to form social bonds and reduce stress levels.

How Many Platinum Guppies can be Kept in a Tank?

In the aquarium hobby, there is a very popular technique for estimating how many fish you can keep in an aquarium: 2.5cm fish per 4L of water.

If you observe the above guideline, a 20L aquarium can house up to 3-4 Platinum guppies.

You can increase the number of fish you have in your aquarium by adding filtration and live plants. Filtration and live plants will get rid of the harmful fish waste from the water, so you won't have to replace the water as often.

Do Platinum Guppies Need a Heater?

Unless you live in a tropical climate, your guppies will need a heater to survive. They are originating from the Amazon River, which has an annual maximum temperature of 32°c and a minimum of 23°c.

An aquarium heater will help maintain a consistent water temperature for your guppies.

Final Thoughts 

Platinum guppies are popular freshwater fish that are easy to care for. They are best kept in groups of three or more and do well.

You can find Platinum guppies for sale at your local fish store or online. Guppies are hardy fish and can live in a variety of water conditions. Taking care of platinum guppy is not as difficult as it may seem. With the proper diet and aquarium setup, your guppies will thrive and bring you years of enjoyment. Just like any other guppy, they need high-quality food, a well-maintained tank, and regular water changes to stay healthy. With proper care, your guppies can live for 2 to 3 years in captivity.

Be sure to consult with a local fish store or veterinarian if you have any questions about taking care of your new pet.

Sarah Robertson

I am a passionate blogger who also happens to be a fish keeping enthusiast. Writing about my hobby is something that I absolutely love to do, and it's no secret that my chosen topic is always centered around fish keeping.

Sarah Robertson

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