March 13

Sarah Robertson

The Perfect Freshwater Fish for Beginners: Guapore Corydoras

The Guapore Cory is a somewhat uncommon kind of Corydoras named for the river system it occupies in Southern Brazil and Bolivia. The Guapore Cory, which is a type of catfish, is different than most Corys because it's adapted to swimming in the middle of the water instead of near the bottom. This makes them more active and therefore a better addition to an aquarium than other Corydoras. They are hardy fish that can live in different types of environments and are low-maintenance.

Guapore Corys are also one of the few Corydoras species that can tolerate brackish water. While Guapore Corys are peaceful fish, they are also active and playful. They love to swim and explore their surroundings. They should be housed in an aquarium with a sandy substrate, plants, and hiding places. These fish may be kept in a community aquarium and it is best to keep them in groups. Guapore Corydoras are just like any other Corydoras in that they help keep the aquarium clean. They do this by eating algae and other debris.

To learn more about keeping Guapore Corydoras as pets, read on!

Quick Facts about Guapore Corydoras

  • Scientific Name: Corydoras Guapore
  • Family: Callichthyidae
  • Species: Corydoras Catfish
  • Distribution: South America: Guapore River basin.
  • Size: 41mm or 1.6 (4.1 cm)
  • Lifespan: 5 - 7 years
  • Diet: Omnivore, In the wild, feeds on insects and invertebrates. Will accept most sinking prepared feeds in the aquarium.
  • Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons, Minimum base dimensions of 90 ∗ 30 cm are recommended.
  • Water Parameters:
  • Temperature: 21.0-24.0°C or 69.8-75.2°F
  • pH: 5.0 – 7.0 Slightly acidic water
  • Hardness: 36 – 215 ppm
  • Ammonia: 0ppm
  • Nitrite: 0ppm
  • Nitrate: <30ppm
  • Aquarium Level: Bottom-Middle
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Shoaling: Yes
  • Best kept as Groups 5+
  • Reproduction: Egg-Layer
  • Compatibility: Peaceful, excellent community fish
  • Difficulty Beginner: Intermediate

Guapore Corydoras Care

The Guapore Corydoras is a peaceful, easy-to-care-for freshwater fish that is perfect for beginner aquarists. These little guys are hardy and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making them ideal for first-time fish keepers. Guapore Corydoras are also great at scavenging and will help keep your aquarium clean. In a tank with Guapore Corydoras, use a substrate of fine sand if possible, but rounded smooth gravel will suffice if it is kept clean. Personal preference is the most important aspect of aquarium decor, but some protection should be provided for the fish, such as driftwood roots and branches, leaf litter, and live vegetation at the water's surface. To keep this species in captivity, water pH should be between 5.0 and 7.0 and water temperature should range from 69.8 and 75.2°F.

Guapore Corydoras are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least five individuals. Larger groups are even better and will provide the fish with more security. These fish are very social creatures and do best when they have others of their own kind to interact with. For keeping them healthy and stress-free, it is best to avoid keeping them with much larger or more aggressive fish than they are. Maintaining water quality is also important for the health of Guapore Corydoras and all other aquarium inhabitants. Regular water changes of 20-30% should be performed every week or two to remove waste and replenish essential minerals and nutrients.

Guapore Corydoras diet consists mainly of small invertebrates and detritus. In the wild, they will often scavenge for food, so in the aquarium, they should be offered a variety of foods including live, frozen, and freeze-dried foods. A good quality flake or catfish pellet food can also be used as a base diet, but make sure to supplement it with other foods to ensure that the fish are getting all the nutrients they need.

The Guapore Corydoras is a fantastic option for novices because it is peaceful and robust. These little guys are sure to bring lots of enjoyment to your aquarium!

Guapore Corydoras Size

The maximum size of a Corydoras Guapore is 1.6 inches (4.1 cm) long. The factors affecting the size of a fish are the quality of water they're living in and the amount of food they're given. A diet rich in live foods will help them reach their maximum potential size.

Guapore Corydoras Lifespan

The average lifespan of a Guapore Corydoras is 5 to 7 years, but with proper care, they can live more than that. These fish are relatively hardy and do not require much in the way of special care, but like all animals, they are susceptible to illness and disease if their environment is not well maintained. To ensure a long and healthy life for your Guapore Corydoras, provide them with a clean tank, good water quality, and a balanced diet.

guapore corydoras

Guapore Corydoras Appearance

The Guapore Corydoras fish is typical in shape to other Corydora, except for its slightly more rounded nose. The head of a Guapore Cory is small and compact, with large eyes. The color of the body is olive-brown, with darker spots. When they are healthy, their sandy-colored body turns orange-yellow. They also have reddish blush cheeks, faint markings, and a blueish-black blotch on the caudal peduncle. The fish also have an adipose fin, as well as a black blotch near the rear. In addition, their dorsal fin has spotted bands, and their caudal fin has 8 to 10 rows of spots that are clearly visible.

The Corydoras Guapore has hardened pectoral spines that can penetrate human skin, so they should be handled with care and a plastic container should be used to transfer them, but using a net is not advised because these spines may become entwined in the mesh. Secretions from the axillary glands at the base of each spine are considered to be toxic or poisonous in some cases.

Because these fish don't have scales, they're very sensitive to salt. So, if you add salt to their tank, it will hurt them.

The Cory catfish has a sensitive sense of smell and uses its barbels to taste food hidden in the substrate.

Guapore Corydoras may be confused with a handful of congeners, particularly C. Ourastigma, C. Caudimaculatus and C. Similis, however, do not have the traits mentioned above and are not adapted to feed in the water column.

The following characteristics differentiate these species from Guapore Corydoras:

C. Caudimaculatus has a body that is deeper and more heavily spotted in color.

C. Ourastigma has a longer snout and a larger dark patch on the caudal peduncle.

C. Similis has a greenish sheen on the body, a more heavily-spotted color pattern, and a less distinct caudal peduncle blotch.

Sexual Dimorphism

Females are generally larger and more sexually mature individuals are considerably broader and deeper-bodied than males.

Guapore Corydoras Behavior

Guapore Corydoras are peaceful and gregarious. Guapore Corydoras are social creatures that do best in groups of at least 4-6.

Your Guapore Corydoras may exhibit the following behaviors:

  • They have the ability to turn their eyes upside down, which appears similar to blinking. They typically tilt their eye downward to inspect the surrounding environment.
  • These fish breathe both underwater and out of the water, utilizing a vascularized intestine to absorb atmospheric oxygen. As such, they are often seen going to the surface for a gulp of air. The aquarium should have a cover and should not be filled to the top due to the ability for breathing atmospheric air.
  • Keeping your fish in a group will allow you to see them more often, and they will feel secure. Grouping also allows natural behaviors, like swimming in the middle or bottom of the aquarium.
  • They are nocturnal, So you may see them more often at night.

Guapore Corydoras Diet & Nutrition

Since Corydoras Guapore is omnivorous, they eat both plant and animal matter. In the wild, their diet consists of small insects, larvae, detritus, and algae. It is important to maintain a healthy diet for your Guapore Corydoras, as this will help them stay active and boost their immune system.

They'll eat practically anything that sinks to the bottom of the fish tank, including dried, live, and frozen meals. They will accept both sinking dried foods and small live or frozen varieties.

C. Guapore is unique in its ability to forage on pelagic zooplankton, so a diet rich in live Daphnia, Artemia, and other similar organisms is recommended. They should not be expected to subsist on leftover food from other tankmates or to clean the aquarium.

Here are some other food items that Corydoras Guapore can eat:

  • Brine shrimp
  • Insects
  • Plant matter
  • Bloodworms (chironomid larvae)
  • Benthic crustaceans
  • Tubifex worms

These fish are most active at night, so feeding them once before you turn the lights off is usually enough. Though they can be easily persuaded to eat during the day, 30 minutes should be allowed for them to consume their food since they are slower eaters.

guapore corydoras

Guapore Corydoras Tank Mates

Corydoras Guapore can be kept with a wide variety of peaceful tank mates. They will do best in a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots. Some of the factors you should consider while choosing tankmates for Corydoras Guapore are:

Size of the fish: Make sure that the fish you choose is not too large or too small in comparison to the Corydoras. Otherwise, they might end up getting bullied or becoming prey themselves. Small to medium sized tankmates are best for Guapore Corys.

Temperament: since Corydoras Guapore is peaceful by nature, it’s best to choose tank mates that have a similar temperament.

Diet: make sure that the fish you’re considering as tank mates have a similar diet to the Corydoras. Otherwise, they might not get enough to eat or might compete for food.

Some of the ideal tankmates for Guapore Corydoras are:

  • Rasboras
  • Tetras
  • Guppies
  • Mollies
  • Danios
  • Barbs
  • Platies

Staying away from fish that are too large, boisterous, or aggressive is best so they don't get stressed. If you maintain a peaceful environment in your aquarium, these fish will do well and often swim together in small schools. You'll usually see them with their heads held slightly higher than the rest of their body.

Guapore Corydoras Tank Setup

The Guapore Corydoras is a peaceful and easy to care for freshwater fish that makes the perfect addition to any beginner's aquarium. This bottom-dwelling fish does best in a tank with plenty of hiding places and a sandy substrate.

Here are some factors to think about while setting up your Guapore Corydoras tank:

Tank size

A minimum of 20 gallons is recommended for a single Guapore Corydoras, but a larger fish tank will be necessary if you plan on keeping multiple fish.


A good filtration system is important for any aquarium, but it is especially important in a smaller tank like the Guapore Corydoras. External or internal power filters with a good water flow can be used. A canister filter or a hang-on-back filter will work well.


The Guapore Corydoras is a tropical fish and requires a heater to maintain a water temperature of 69.8-75.2°F.


Standard aquarium lighting will work fine for a Guapore Corydoras tank.


The recommended substrate for them is sand or small gravel. If a cory catfish comes into contact with sharp or large gravel, its barbels can become damaged. Once barbels are infected, it is difficult for the cory to find food.


The Guapore Corydoras is a peaceful fish and does well with live plants. Plants also provide natural hiding places for fish. Suitable plants for a Guapore Corydoras tank include:

  • Anubias
  • Java Fern
  • Amazon Sword
  • Cabomba
  • Hornwort


Since the Guapore Corydoras is a bottom-dwelling fish, it will benefit from having many hiding places in its tank. You can use caves, driftwood, and rocks to create hiding places for your Guapore Corydoras.

Once you set up the perfect Guapore Corydoras tank, you'll be able to enjoy watching your fish swim and play. This species is susceptible to high nitrate levels, so you should perform frequent partial water changes. You should leave a small gap between the surface of the water and the lid so fish can come up to breathe.

Guapore Corydoras Breeding

Although difficult, this species can be bred in aquariums using similar methods as other Corydoras species.

If you can, use a ratio of two or more males to one female. When the females are clearly full of eggs, perform a substantial (50-70 percent) water change with cold water and improve oxygenation and flow in the tank. Repeat this process every day until the fish spawn.

The female holds 2-4 eggs between her pelvic fins, and the male fertilizes them for about 30 seconds. The female swims to a suitable location after fertilization, where she adheres the extremely sticky eggs. This process is repeated until approximately 100 eggs have been fertilized and attached.

Eggs are typically deposited on the aquarium glass and dense vegetation and adults do not guard the eggs. However, they may also be found within sunken spawning mops. If the eggs are deposited on spawning mops, egg removal is much easier. After the spawning process is done, get rid of either the adults or eggs; typically, you can use a finger to gently roll the eggs up the glass. The new container should have the same water as the breeding tank and be well-oxygenated.

Adding a few drops of methylene blue or placing an alder cone or two in the water at this point will help to prevent the development of fungus on the eggs.

Guapore Corydoras

Guapore Corydoras Fry

The typical incubation period for Guapore Corydoras is 3-4 days. Once the fry has completely absorbed their yolk sacs, they will be able to eat small live foods, such as microworm or Artemia nauplii.

They're difficult to grow because they need great water quality, but they appear less susceptible to diseases when grown in a thin layer of sand rather than in a bare arrangement. When the fry reaches approximately 1.5" in length, it can be moved to a larger aquarium with more robust plants for cover.

Guapore Corydoras Diseases

Guapore Corydoras are relatively disease-resistant, but they can still fall victim to common aquarium fish diseases.

Some of the diseases that can affect Guapore Corydoras include:

Infections From Bacteria

You can tell a fish has a bacterial infection by observing its lack of activity, the fading colors in its body, frayed fins, and cloudy eyes. More symptoms may include open sores, red streaks, and bulging eyes. Some suffer from inflammation of the skin and internal organs, while others have difficulty breathing. If you find any of these symptoms in your fish, you should take them to a vet for treatment as soon as possible. If not treated early enough, these infections can lead to death.

Infections From Fungi

If your fish has a fungal infection, it will likely become agitated, displaying erratic behavior such as darting and scratching. Some also develop cotton-like tufts on their skin, in or around their eyes, or protruding from their mouth. If you see any of these symptoms, you should take your fish to a vet for treatment immediately as fungal infections can be fatal if left untreated.

Infections From Parasites

Parasites typically enter the fish through the gills, where they attach and feed on blood. This can cause irritation and inflammation, leading to heavy breathing, loss of appetite, excessive mucus on their film and body, and lack of activity. In some cases, parasites can also cause ulcers and open wounds.

Prevention is the best cure for any disease, so it's important to maintain good water quality and quarantine new fish before adding them to your community tank. You should also avoid overfeeding your fish as this can lead to poor water quality and make them more susceptible to diseases. Regular testing of water quality and performing partial water changes are needed. If you notice any signs of disease in your fish, you should take them to a veterinarian for treatment.


What Do You Feed Guapore Corydoras? 

Since Guapore Corydoras are omnivores, they will eat a variety of foods. You can feed Guapore Corydoras a variety of food, but they prefer live and frozen foods. Some good options include brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. You can also give them pellets or flakes, but these should be used as supplements rather than the main diet. They accept most foods but prefer those that sink to the bottom of the tank.

What Size Tank Do Guapore Corydoras Need? 

Guapore Corydoras are relatively small fish, so they don't need a very large tank. A 20-gallon tank is sufficient for a group of 5-6 fish. If you want to keep a larger group, you will need a bigger tank.

How Often Should You Feed Guapore Corydoras? 

You should feed Guapore Corydoras 2-3 times a day. It's important not to overfeed them as this can lead to poor water quality and make them more susceptible to diseases.

What's the Life Expectancy of Guapore Corydoras?

The life expectancy of Guapore Corydoras is 5-7 years. Their lifespan can be affected by a number of factors, such as water quality, diet and stress.

Do Guapore Corydoras Need a Filter?

Yes, Guapore Corydoras need a filter. A good filter will help to keep the water clean and provide a place for the beneficial bacteria to live. It's important to choose a filter that's the right size for your aquarium and to clean it regularly.

How Many Guapore Corydoras Are in a 10 Gallon?

The number of Guapore Corydoras in a 10-gallon tank will depend on the size of the fish. In a 10-gallon tank, you can house 2-3 Guapore Corydoras. If you plan on keeping more than 2, you'll need a larger tank. The more space you have, the better.

Why Are My Guapore Corydoras Dying?

There are a number of reasons why Guapore Corydoras might be dying. It could be due to poor water quality, lack of food, disease, or stress. If you're not sure what's causing the problem, you should take your fish to a vet for a check-up.

Final Thoughts

Guapore Corydoras are a great tropical freshwater fish for beginners. They are peaceful, schooling fish that are easy to care for. With proper care, they can live for 5-7 years. They're also omnivores, so it is easy to find foods that they like. Guapore Corydoras prefer live and frozen foods, but will also eat pellets and flakes. They are relatively small in size, thus a group of 5-6 fish can live comfortably in a 20-gallon tank. It is important to have a filter in their tank as well as clean the tank regularly. It is also necessary to provide them ample hiding places and to do regular water changes.

Their breeding is similar to that of other Corydoras species. The female will lay her eggs on a plant or decoration and the male will fertilize them. After about a week, the eggs will hatch and the fry will be free-swimming. If you want to breed Guapore Corydoras, it is best to set up a separate breeding tank. This will give the fry a better chance of survival.

If you notice any signs of disease in your fish, you should take them to a veterinarian for treatment. If you're looking for a low-maintenance bottom-dwelling fish that's fun to watch, consider adding a Guapore Corydoras to your tank!

Sarah Robertson

I am a passionate blogger who also happens to be a fish keeping enthusiast. Writing about my hobby is something that I absolutely love to do, and it's no secret that my chosen topic is always centered around fish keeping.

Sarah Robertson

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