March 23

Sarah Robertson

Why Is My Female Betta Making Betta Bubble Nest?

Bettas are one of the most popular aquarium fish. They have long, flowing fins that are quite beautiful. Bettas are fascinating in their own right, from their breeding habits to their personality quirks. They are very attractive species that offer a lot of entertainment. Bettas building their bubble nests is one of the most interesting behaviors that they exhibit.

It is mainly the males who engage in bubble nest building. But did you know that sometimes females will also make betta bubble nest? However, this is extremely uncommon. Females will just make bubble nests when they are about to lay their eggs. We'll go through everything you need to know about bubble nests in this post.

What Are the Many Sorts of Breeding?

betta bubble nest

Most of the male and female bettas nowadays are domestically bred. The majority of them are marketed as aquarium fish rather than used in combat. Betta fish are not difficult to breed, yet you should be prepared before doing so.

As mentioned earlier, they are extremely territorial and will fight with each other if kept in close quarters. You will need a breeding tank, which is usually just a tall container that has many tiny air bubbles flowing up the sides. 

There are numerous sorts of bettas, each with a distinct breeding technique. Some are mouth-breeders, which means that the eggs are simply dropped into the male's mouth for him to fertilize.

Some are bubble-nesters, which means the male builds a nest out of bubbles and then places the eggs inside. They perform bubble nest as a mating display. If you want to start breeding bettas, it's best to provide them with optimal conditions for fighting and spawning. 

Breeding Process:

Build a bubble nest: Normally, it's the male betta who chooses a location to construct his bubble nest. But sometimes the females also assist in building the nest. The tank must be at least 5 gallons in size, and the water temperature should be kept around 82 degrees Fahrenheit (28 degrees Celsius.) The male chooses a flat surface.

Ensure that the container has many tiny bubbles flowing up towards the surface of the water. He then blows bubbles at this spot to form a ring of bubbles. It is always best to put two fishes of same age and size in a breeding tank together. Once you have found an appropriate place, encourage the breeding by placing the female betta inside.

Spawning: The male will soon begin to court the female, who is now ready to be impregnated. This is done by swimming and intertwining around each other. Don't disturb them during this process or they may fight each other.

Allow them to stay together for a few days and they will spawn on their own accord. Once the mating is complete, remove the female from the tank as the female fish may eat the eggs. If you see a bubble ring on top of the water, it means that spawning has occurred. 

Hatch the Eggs: After removing the female, allow the male to fertilize the eggs for three days. There will be about 300 to 400 eggs, which are somewhat adhesive. The eggs should hatch within 24 hours, but keep an eye on them and remove any dead ones to prevent fungus or bacteria from killing off others.

After hatching, place the betta babies into the bubble nest and remove any that don't make it. Once they're large enough, you can remove them from the breeding tank and place them into a smaller container. Be sure to feed them a high-quality food once per day until they are mature enough to be placed back with the adult bettas.

Female Betta Bubble Nest

Why is my female betta fish creating a bubble nest? It's a question that is frequently asked. More often than not, when you see your betta fish bubble nest you are probably just witnessing your female showing her readiness to lay eggs. The female betta fish do create bubble nests. It is, however, rather unusual.

The natural reproductive behavior of the betta fish is to construct bubble nests, but they are mostly built by males. Females will create bubble nests only when they are about to spawn. Bubble nest building can also be stimulated by increasing water temperature and/or adding small amounts of salt (1 teaspoon per 5 gallons.) 

Female Betta Bubble Nest

There are numerous reasons why a female betta fish will create a bubble nest. Some of them are:

  • Assisting the Male -The females will frequently build a nest before the male even begins to court her. This is because she would like to aid the male with his task and speed up their spawning process. It is common for several females to assist one male in building a bubble nest and all of them will lay the eggs inside at the same time.
  • Male Is Not Ready-When the male betta fish isn't ready to mate, it will avoid building a bubble nest. Females will build nests in such circumstances and may even become very persistent about creating one. However, when she ends up without a male to fertilize her eggs, they'll eventually rot away inside the bubble nest.
  • Improving Conditions -Bubble nests are built when the water temperature and salt content is increased. It may indicate that there is something wrong with the water conditions in your tank. Be sure to check these things out if you suddenly notice bubble nests being formed.
  • Giving Birth -The female betta fish will also create bubble nests when she is ready to give birth. This is one of the most dangerous times for the fry as they are born without any sort of protection and often fall prey to other tank inhabitants. It's just as well that you're not supposed yolk-sac to feed on so they'll need to be fed special fry foods in their own container.

What Are the Causes of Bubble Nest?

There are various reasons for bubble nest. For instance, some betta fish make bubble nests after their vacation period; others do so because the water level has dropped; some like it cold and they make bubble nests just to warm up the water temperature; some may do so because they are stressed out, etc.

The most common reason is that the male betta fish wants to breed. They like it cold and humid (which makes them bubble nest), but you can also make them do so by adjusting the water condition.

But firstly, check if the temperature and the water condition is suitable for them to breed. If all these factors are fine, and they still do not want to breed, then you should separate the male betta fish from the female one because if they keep doing this, soon there will be no more space in your tank to place any more bubble nests.

How Big Is a Female Betta Fish Bubble Nest?

Size of the bubble nest depends on the quantity of bubbles inside it. The more bubbles it has, the larger its size will be. Furthermore, if you have more than one male betta fish in your tank, they will compete with each other to show their dominance which causes them to make bigger nests.

This often leads to the destruction of their own nests and dying fry. Bubbles created by females are frequently smaller than those produced by males. The cause is unknown. However, experts think that it's because male betta fish are typically the ones who creates bubble.

What Does a Female Betta Fish Bubble Nest Look Like?

A betta fish bubble nest is a round formation of countless tiny bubbles. It looks as if it's floating on the surface of your tank water. You will be able to see some parts sinking down under the water while some other parts sticking out from the surface of the water. The size also depends on the quantity of bubbles inside it. But generally, its size is around 5 cm in diameter.

How Do You Know Whether There Are Eggs in a Female Betta Fish Bubble Nest?

You can distinguish if there are eggs or not by looking at the bubble nest closely. If it is built for spawning, then inside it should have eggs. They look like tiny black dots and you can see the shadows of them on the bubbles. The size of each egg is about 0.7mm in diameter and they are attached to the surface areas of the bubbles by their upper body while their lower section is hanging below it.

How Long Does It Take for a Betta Fish Bubble Nest to Be Completed?

For small bubbles, it takes around 1-2 hours to form into a complete bubble nest. However, if there are numerous tiny bubbles inside it, then it may take even days before becoming one. This is because of the surface tension of the bubbles. The smaller the bubbles are, the more time it will need to merge together.

Betta Female Bubble Nest

How Often Do Betta Female Fish Build New Bubble Nests?

Male betta fish usually create a new bubble nest every day until they have succeeded in spawning with the female breeding betta fish. Whereas females may create it once in a few days. But it is very rare to see a female betta fish creating its own nest.

Does a Bubble Nest Mean My Betta Is Happy?

It does not indicate that your betta is happy. A bubble nest, otherwise known as the pavilion, is a structure created by male betta fish. It's used to hold and protect their eggs and to help them lure in prospective females during mating season. Females also produce eggs and can create a nest too but they aren't nearly as noticeable as the bubble nests made by their male counterparts. 

Do Females Create Bubbles Next to Indicate That They Are Sick?

No, not at all. The male betta fish make a bubble nest to show that they are ready to mate with females. Females also create it but they produce smaller amounts of bubbles that dissolve quickly. It's unlikely that the female betta fish builds a bubble nest by itself unless it is bred in your tank where there are no male betta fish and is the only betta in its area.

Are Betta Fish Able to Eat the Bubble Nest?

It's possible for male betta fish to eat their own bubble nests, but you shouldn't be too concerned about it. The sunken parts of the bubble nest that went below water surface is dissolved by the water.

Should I Remove Betta Bubble Nest?

Unless you're trying to breed your betta, it's not a big deal if you break his bubble nest while cleaning his tank. It won't upset your betta and, in the end, it's more important for him to have a clean-living environment than it is to keep his bubble nest. If you do breed your betta, however, leave the bubble nest where it is. It will serve as a useful habitat for his later fry and as a place to lay eggs.


Bettas also known as betta splendens comes in a variety of beautiful colors and shapes. These fish also create bubble nests for spawning, protective and breeding purposes. The shape and size of a betta's bubble nest depends on the number of bubbles it contains. However, female bettas don't make bubble nests as often as male bettas do.

Thus, you will be able to recognize a bubble nest by its size, shape and whether it has eggs or not. Most of the times, a betta fish bubble nest that has eggs is larger and more rounded. Some of their fry may also be attached to its surface. A female betta's bubble nest isn't as noticeable since it contains smaller bubbles. 

Female bettas may create a bubble nest by themselves if they are the only betta in a tank with no male ones. A betta fish bubble nest is made up of air and water and it may dissolve within hours or days, depending on its size.

Also, a betta's bubble nest doesn't indicate if it's healthy or not otherwise. However, it's important to keep the water clean and provide a well-maintained tank if you want your betta to make bubble nests. If you see a female betta fish making a bubble nest the next time, don't be alarmed; it's natural.

Sarah Robertson

I am a passionate blogger who also happens to be a fish keeping enthusiast. Writing about my hobby is something that I absolutely love to do, and it's no secret that my chosen topic is always centered around fish keeping.

Sarah Robertson

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