November 1

Sarah Robertson

Why Plecostomus Makes the Perfect Addition to Your Aquarium

The Hypostomus Plecostomus also known as plecos, is a popular freshwater fish among aquarium hobbyists all around the world. These are freshwater fish native to South America, although it has been introduced to many areas of Europe, Asia, and North and South America since becoming popular in the hobby.

They are also known as suckermouth catfish because of the way their mouth is formed. They're a freshwater species of armored catfish from the Loricariidae family. Plecos are a diverse group of fish. There are currently over 150 distinct species recognized. Plecostomus species are commonly identified using the "L" or "LDA" system of numbers, which was introduced by scientists.

There are presently over 500 such identifiers, with more being added all the time. Plecos come in a variety of hues and designs, with elongated bodies, four rows of bone plates, and big, curved fins. They eat algae and other food that sinks to the bottom of the tank, ensuring that the aquarium is clean. Plecos are among the most popular fish for aquarists due to their unusual appearance and ability to clean tanks.

Plecostomus are frequently kept in huge aquariums to assist prevent algae from overtaking the tank. These bottom-dwelling fish scrape green algae and vegetable waste along the surfaces of your aquarium with their suckermouths, feeding on it. They also consume a variety of commercial flake and pellet meals, but they must get enough algae and vegetable matter, such as fresh zucchini, romaine lettuce, spinach or spirulina pellets.

Your algae eater will be seen swimming at the bottom of your aquarium. They may also attach to plants and the walls of your aquarium using their suckermouths. Plecostomus are nocturnal fish, meaning they are most active at night. During the day, they tend to hide in dark caves or under rocks. When setting up your aquarium, be sure to include plenty of hiding places for your plecostomus to feel comfortable.

To learn more about keeping plecos in your aquarium, read on for our comprehensive care guide.

Quick Facts about Plecostomus 

  • Scientific name: Hypostomus plecostomus
  • Common names: Pleco, Plecostomus, Plecostomus Catfish, Janitor Fish, Pez Diablo (Devil Fish), Algae Sucker/eater.
  • Distribution: Suriname, French Guinea, Guyana
  • Size: 19–25 inches
  • Color: Brown, sand, gray
  • Life expectancy: 10–15 years
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons plus (species dependent)
  • Temperature: 68-86°F (20-30°C)
  • PH: 6.5–8.0
  • Hardness: 20–35 dGH
  • Breeding: Oviparous
  • Tank Mate Compatibility: Gourami, Guppies, Mollies etc
  • Breeding: Egg-scatterer
  • Care Level: Medium

Plecostomus Care

The plecostomus is a simple fish to maintain and has minimal care requirements. Plecostomus catfish are found in both fresh and brackish water, where they prefer fast-flowing streams with rocky riverbeds. To make your plecostomus feel at ease, provide a similar tank environment.

In general, their water requirements are comparable to those of other tropical fish. They prefer an aquarium temperature around 68-86°F (20-30°C), with a neutral to slightly acidic pH around 6.5 to 8. Because most plecos are nocturnal, any shelters or cover you give them to keep them out of the light is appreciated.

You must also perform routine tank maintenance in order to maintain nitrate levels at 40 ppm or less. plecos are available in different sizes, so while choosing one, make sure you have an appropriately sized aquarium.

Plecostomus Size

The adult length of a pleco is about 25 inches. Some plecostomus catfish grow to be much longer than this — for example, the Pseudacanthicus major (not a popular home aquarium fish) may reach up to 30 inches in length. The male of the species is larger and longer than the female. In an aquarium, plecos do not grow to the same size as they do in the wild. When fish reach 15 inches in length, they cease growing in captivity.

The growth rate of a Pleco varies considerably depending on the species. However, in the vast majority of cases, your baby pleco should be able to grow to 6 to 8 inches within two years.

Plecos may seem to develop a lot and rapidly in their early years, but this generally slows down as they get older.

Plecostomus Lifespan

Many people may be startled to find out that the typical pleco can live for up to 10 or 15 years! This is another thing to consider before purchasing a fish since the lifespan of some species may be considerably longer than you had in mind.

While buying a new Pleco, ask the dealer how long the fish is expected to live. Also, find out what the natural habitat of the species is and try to replicate those conditions in your aquarium as closely as possible. This will ensure that your Pleco lives a long and healthy life.


Plecostomus Appearance

All varieties of plecos have an underturned mouth, flat belly, and broad fins, just like catfish. In terms of coloration, Common Plecos are rather basic. They are a brownish color. The entire body is mottled with small black spots, giving it a NET-like appearance.

There are also many color variations. Some Plecos may be lighter or have sand-colored markings. This fish's hue varies depending on where it was bred. Male plecostomus cats are bigger than females, and the bodies of females are more rounded than those of males. The color of the plecostomus catfish fades when they are distressed. When a pleco is hiding or sulking, it changes color as well.

These fish have a unique physical feature that sits on top of their body. This is the armor plate in several rows! These plates are extremely tough and resist predation. Bottom-dwellers, like this species, require additional protection from above.

Common Plecos do not have any sort of armor on their bellies. Common Plecos, like other Loricariidae fish, have magnificent fins. The dorsal fin is long and has numerous rigid fins. The tail, pectoral, and pelvic fins are no different. Common Pleco eyes are tiny and beady. Because these fish are nocturnal, their eyes have tissue that adjusts the amount of light entering. The iconic sucker mouth is on the bottom of the head!

High Fin Spotted Plecostomus is very similar to the Common Pleco in appearance. The primary difference is that they have much longer fins. They are also a bit smaller, reaching a maximum length of 13-19 inches.

Sexual Dimorphism:

The typical female body is more rounded, whereas the typical male physique is thinner. The abdomen of a female is more rounded and longer in relation to the rest of the body when viewed from the side than that of a male. When the plecos are in breeding condition, this is especially apparent.

The following are some of the most common Plecostomus Types:

  • Royal Pleco: It grows up to 17 inches long and is grayish-brown in color with horizontal stripes and crimson eyes.
  • Candy-striped Pleco: It has a sand-colored body with black stripes that run vertically.
  • Sailfin Pleco: It has a somewhat elongated dorsal fin with 10 or more rays.
  • Snowball Pleco: The body is black or dark gray in color, and it is covered with white spots or “snowballs.”
  • Rubber Lip Pleco: It has big, soft rubbery lips that stick out from its face. It has a delicate gray tone that is bluish or greenish in hue.
  • Zebra Pleco: A little freshwater fish with vivid white stripes that cover its entire body.
  • Vampire Pleco: It has a glossy black body with white markings and can grow up to 10 inches long.
  • Gold nugget Pleco: It has a black or brown body with distinct yellow spots and markings. They grow up to 9 inches in length.
  • Bristle-nose Pleco: This species grows up to about 5 inches long, with distinct bristles protruding from its mouth and nose.
  • Butterfly Pleco: This breed is noted for its chocolate brown and tan body that have distinct symmetrical black stripes.
  • Clown Plecostomus: This fish has a black base with brilliant bands that stretch all around its body in various patterns. The bright areas are typically whiteish-yellow or orange in color. The bright markings of these fish ensure that they stand out, no matter what tank they're swimming in!
  • Albino Plecostomus: The scientific name for the albino Bristlenose pleco is Ancistrus, and it's also known as the Bushynose catfish, Common Bristlenose catfish, and Brushmouth pleco.
  • Blue Phantom Pleco: Its color is cobalt blue, and it grows to be about 7.5 inches long.

Plecostomus Behavior 

Suckermouth catfish are mostly nocturnal and spend a significant portion of their day hiding in a crack or behind an overhang. Some fish will, however, adapt to aquarium life and become more sociable during the day, especially at feeding time.

Plecostomus are shy fish that should be kept in groups. They are peaceful by nature but may become territorial towards others of their own species if they do not have enough space. It is best to keep at least 3-5 fish together so that they can establish a hierarchy and avoid aggression.

They are safe with most aquarium fish, although tankmates should be of comparable size. Small Plecostomus may be eaten by larger predatory fish, causing the catfish to become strangled in the bigger fish's mouth. Large plecos, on the other hand, maybe safely combined with smaller fish since they will not usually attempt to devour them.

Plecostomus Food & Diet

Some pet shops claim that Common Plecos are one of the best algae eaters. It's true that they will consume algae from time to time. However, it should not be their only source of food.

The Common Pleco is an omnivorous fish that has a voracious appetite. They will keep looking for food in the tank to eat. Because they'll eat anything they can get their jaws on, you shouldn't have any trouble getting them to consume!

You may feed these unique fish a variety of different foods, including the following:

  • Shrimp pellets
  • Brine shrimp
  • Zucchini
  • Algae wafers
  • Blood worms (although they only need to be fed this occasionally)

To keep the aquarium water clean, ensure that any food waste that remains in the tank is removed after each meal. By keeping the tank water clean and fresh, it will avoid creating any opportunistic illnesses.


Plecostomus Tank Mates

Pleco catfish are amiable and sociable, and they are rarely territorial toward other fish. Plecos make wonderful companions for other calm fish that require similar water conditions.

Plecos are occasionally territorial and aggressive when it comes to food, during breeding when kept in a tank with too many of their own kind, or if the tank is insufficient for their size and needs. Avoid fish that your pleco sees as competition, such as clown loaches, which are faster bottom-feeders than plecos.

A plecostomus will do well in a community tank with the following types of fish:

  • Corydoras
  • Platy fish
  • Mollies
  • Guppies
  • Hatchet fish
  • Oscar Fish
  • Gouramis (Dwarf Gourami, Honey Gourami)
  • Swordtail fish
  • Cichlids (Flowerhorn Cichlid, Green Terror Cichlid)
  • Black Skirt Tetra

A plecostomus can be kept with the following non-fish tankmates:

  • Shrimp
  • Freshwater crabs

Aggression between pleco fish should be avoided by housing a single tank no more than two plecos. Because the plecos will see the snails as food, don't put plecostomus catfish with snails.

Plecostomus compatibility with other fish

Some aquarium owners have had success keeping plecos with other fish, while others have not. The following are some tips to help you determine whether plecos and other fish can be kept together:

Common Pleco and Betta

This combination is not a good idea since the size difference between a Betta and a full-grown Common Pleco that can reach up to two feet in length is enormous. Since Betta have bright colors and flowing fins, there are chances that Plecos target them.

Common Pleco and Bristlenose Pleco 

Bristlenose Plecos will most likely be too vulnerable to be a suitable tank mate for a Common Pleco since their size is only a tiny fraction of the Common Pleco's, and it's very probable that their space will be taken.

Common Pleco and Goldfish

Because Common Plecos have been aggressive towards other brightly colored fish with long, flowing fins, this combination may not be the greatest option.

Common Pleco and Corydoras 

Just like the problems that an aquarist might have when attempting to combine a Bristlenose Pleco and a Common Pleco as tankmates, compatibility with a Corydoras is also questionable. They may easily enter the Common Pleco's territory, which will only cause problems as the Common Pleco matures.

Common Pleco and Shrimp

This is not a good combination since Common Pleco adults can eventually grow to be large enough to consume tiny crustaceans.

Common Pleco and Angelfish

This isn't a good match since Common Plecos have been documented to pursue brightly colored and swimming fish, particularly Angelfish.

Common Pleco and Cichlids 

The Green Terror Cichlid and the Flowerhorn Cichlid are two kinds of cichlids that would make excellent tankmates.

Ideally, it's preferable to keep fish with comparable personalities and sizes together, but since Common Plecos are bottom dwellers while the majority of these other fish aren't, they'll stay out of one another's way while still being able to defend themselves if required.

Plecostomus Tank Setup 

Because a fish's size can grow dramatically if it is kept in a tank, you will need a huge aquarium. A tank with a capacity of at least 30 gallons is ideal. Make sure your tank's water is pure and clean, free of debris that might harm your fish. For the filtration system, one that moves quickly is preferable to one that doesn't.

You can have a single Hypostomus Plecostomus in the tank, but having pairs of them may help to curb boredom. Hypostomus Hypostomus prefers to hide in thick vegetation in the wild, and it is best to create its natural habitat with an aquarium. This implies that it will need stones to act as caves for it, as well as more plants in the tank.

Please read the following essential aquarium requirements to learn how to set up and maintain a fish tank at home:

  • the pH of the tank water should be at least 6.5–8.0
  • Temperature ranges of between 20 and 30°C

It's critical to cover the top of the tank with a tight lid, especially if it's outside. This will assist to keep the fish from being eaten by eagles and hawks.

Hypostomus Plecostomus Tank Size and Specifications

Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to the size and specifications of a Hypostomus Plecostomus tank:

Optimum Tank Size

Hypostomus plecostomus should be housed in a tank with a capacity of 30 gallons. The optimum option is 100 gallons. That's because each fish will require 30 gallons as it grows.

Tank Shape 

The length of the Pleco tank should be greater than the width (a rectangular aquarium is sufficient). Since these fish may grow up to be much larger, they require considerably more area than teeny tiny fish.

Filter Type 

Because the water flow must be kept, it's important that the pump be quite sturdy. A good pump will also be able to give the required amount of oxygen.


In the Plecostomus tank, Clay, pebbles, gravel, etc can be used as a substrate along with some caves and plants.


It is better not to use artificial lights because natural light will be enough and maintain the plants healthy!

Best Plants for Hypostomus Plecostomus Tanks 

Live plants are not a requirement for a Hypostomus Plecostomus tank. But if you want to add some, here are a few that will do well:

  • Anubias
  • Jungle Vallisneria
  • Amazon sword
  • Java fern
  • Java Moss

How to Introduce a Plecostomus to an Aquarium?

It's important to carefully acclimate your new Plecostomus to its aquarium and monitor them because they may be frightened by their tank mates swimming around them. This can result in them expanding their spines and puncturing the bag they're contained in. Even at 2 – 3 inches, Plecostomus juvenile spines will be sharp like needles!

After you've floated your Plecostomus, added tank water to the bag, and allowed it to acclimate for a while, you may introduce them into your aquarium. It's very probable that he or she will go straight to a hiding place and you won't see them for a day.

This is perfectly normal, they're just getting used to their new home and surroundings. They should, however, come out when it gets darker to eat and wander. Because they are nocturnal feeders, it's best to offer them food at night so other fish don't steal it while they rest.

Many people believe that since Plecostomus are scavengers that feed on algae, they do not require an additional supply of food. This isn't exactly correct, and, if left unfed, they will certainly starve. Plecostomus have been known to starve as a result of carelessness on the part of their owners. Aquarists often forget about them since they will be sleeping during the day and will not be fed or checked on their wellbeing until the next day or even several days later.


Plecostomus Breeding

Many uncommon species' spawning habits are largely unknown, but a number of suckermouth catfish have been bred in captivity. They usually lay their eggs in caves, with the male caring for them until they hatch. When you want to create an aquarium for intentional spawning, a separate habitat should be set up, and breeders should be fed live or frozen foods for several weeks to prepare them for spawning.

To successfully breed plecostomus, you will need a ratio of two males to every one female. A male and female will pair off and the male will chase the female until she is ready to lay her eggs. Once the eggs are laid, usually on the roof of a cave, the male will fan them with his fins to keep them oxygenated.

Plecos are very easy to breed, and some of them don't even need a separate breeding tank. To breed plecos, perform the following procedures:

  • Put male and female plecos in the same community tank that are at least one year old (if they don't already share a tank).
  • Reduce the tank temperature by three degrees to imitate the rainy season and encourage reproduction.
  • The male pleco will do a mating dance if the pair is interested in breeding, and the pair will spawn. This generally takes place at night.
  • The female will deposit her eggs in hollows and on flat rock surfaces.
  • Within one week, the eggs will hatch. The fry is born without needing parental care and must be fed on its own.

It is preferable to set up a separate tank for your pleco pair in order to maximize your chances of successful breeding. Make sure that the breeding tank has plenty of room. Plump them with a combination of live and frozen foods for several weeks - this will trigger the spawning behavior.

You want to provide the male with a range of hiding locations to pick from. He'll clear out the cave's interior once he is ready to breed. She'll go into the cave and deposit the eggs when she is comfortable. The eggs are fertilized by the male and then guarded until they hatch.

Plecostomus Fry 

The eggs will hatch in about a week, and the fry will be free-swimming soon after.

Newly hatched fry, are ravenous and must be fed frequently on a high-protein diet such as infusoria, micro worms, brine shrimp nauplii, and sinking tablets. Don't overfeed or you'll pollute the tank. The fry is delicate and can easily be lost to fungal infections or poor water quality.

As they grow, you can start feeding them larger foods such as daphnia, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and other meaty items. Once they reach about an inch in length, they can be moved to the main tank. At this point, you can start feeding them algae wafers or other vegetable matter.

Plecostomus Diseases

Plecos, like other freshwater fish, are susceptible to a variety of illnesses. Many aquarium enthusiasts believe that Plecos are more prone to illness than other types of fish. Although they have big plates of armor, these fish do not have small scales to protect their bodies from pollutants and germs.

Ich and dropsy are examples of prevalent illnesses that may be found in a freshwater aquarium.

Ich: White spots will appear all over the Pleco's body, including its fins, if it has Ich/Ick. There may be excessive swimming and rubbing against hard surfaces as well. Plecostomus should be quarantined and isolated immediately since this disease is contagious. The treatment comprises raising the aquarium's temperature and using an Ich treatment for two weeks.

Dropsy: It's a type of bloating. The fish's body begins to expand with fluids, making it hard to swim. The fish's scales will also begin to protrude. This disease is deadly and there is no known cure, so it's best to euthanize the fish if it contracts dropsy.

Cloudy eye: The eyes appear cloudy as if they were covered with white or grey slime. The Plecostomus may be off-color, swim awkwardly, or have other abnormalities. This sickness is caused by poor water quality, and it should clear up rapidly as long as the appropriate water parameters are maintained.

Bacterial or fungal infections can also affect your fish. Fin rot and velvet are two such diseases.

Fin rot: The fins of the fish will become frayed and may even fall off. This is usually caused by a bacterial infection. The best way to treat fin rot is to use an antibiotic.

Velvet: This disease is caused by a parasitic infection and results in gold or brown dust on the body of the fish. It can be treated using a medicated food or a copper-based treatment.

Fortunately, these problems are all quite avoidable. The majority of these problems are caused by poor water quality. Regularly test the water with a test kit to ensure that everything is operating normally. To help maintain the filtration system, perform 30-percent water changes once a week.

Quarantine your fish if they become ill in order to begin treatment as soon as possible. Use a medication or apply natural treatment methods to cure your fish. Copper-based medicines might be harmful to Common Plecos, so use it with caution.

When buying the correct species, it's important to do some health checks. The Plecostomus you choose should have:

  • Clear eyes
  • Remain on or near the bottom
  • Attach to the glass
  • Eat well

The Plecostomus you purchase should not have:

  • Spots/fungus
  • Daytime feeding habits
  • Labored breathing
  • Cloudy eyes
  • Muted color
  • Frayed fins

Finally, but most significantly, do not buy a Plecostomus on the spur of the moment! Always research and prepare for acquiring this magnificent fish.



What is the Lifespan of a Plecostomus?

Plecostomus typically have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, though some have been known to live up to 20 years.

What Do Plecos Need in a Tank? 

Plecos need a tank that is at least 30 gallons, has plenty of hiding spots, and is adequately decorated with plants and rocks. They also need a good filter and regular water changes.

What Do Plecostomus Eat? 

Plecostomus are mostly omnivores, that eat almost anything but prefer a diet of algae and other plant matter. They will also consume meaty foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms.

What Fish Can Live With Plecostomus?

Plecostomus are peaceful fish that can live with most other community fish. They will get along with almost all non-predatory, community fish, as long as they aren't large enough to consume them. Similarly, no fish should be added that could fit in the pleco's mouth. However, they may be bullied by more aggressive fish or nipped at by finicky eaters. Corydoras, Platy fish, Mollies, Guppies, Hatchet fish, and Oscar Fish are all good tank mates for Plecostomus.

How Big Can a Plecostomus Fish Get?

Plecostomus can grow up to 19–25 inches. Their growth rate is determined by so many factors including water quality, diet, and tank mates.

How Many Plecos Should Be Kept Together?

It is difficult to say, although it depends. Some species (particularly the males) may be territorial towards their own kind or other bottom feeders. Smaller species, such as the Bristlenose pleco, can be kept in groups as long as you have more females than males and offer plenty of caves and other hiding spots. But generally, Plecostomus are social creatures that do well in groups of at least 3.

Will a Pleco Keep My Tank Clean?

Yes, a Pleco will help keep your tank clean by eating algae off of the glass, decorations, and plants.

Do Plecos Eat Fish Poop?

Plecos have a wide variety of dietary requirements, but none of them solely subsist on feces. While they may eat some after foraging in the substrate, there isn't enough food in the fish feces to sustain them. Remember that plecos are not only cleaners but also living creatures that require specific care and nourishment.

Can A Pleco Eat Another Fish In My Tank?

Yes, a Plecostomus has the ability to consume fish! However, it is also true that plecos will only eat a fish that has recently died at the bottom of the tank!

Plecos are not aggressive and will not attack or harm the inhabitants of your aquarium. If you want to keep them from eating dead fish, give them high-quality food since they require protein. If a pleco is hungry, it will feed on dead fish without hesitation! So remove any dead fish from the tank as soon as possible!

How To Determine If My Pleco Is Healthy?

If you notice these signs from your pleco, it's a good indication that it's both safe and healthy:

  • No injuries
  • No abnormal growths
  • No loss of appetite
  • Clear Eyes; if their eyes appear hazy, they may need to be isolated.
  • It looks nice and clean.
  • The abdomen does not appear to be hollow.
  • Smooth, shiny skin and vibrant coloration.

These fish are nocturnal, so don't worry if you don't see them during the day. This is typical behavior for any pleco.

Are Plecostomus Good Algae Eaters?

Plecostomus are one of the best algae eaters available and can help keep your tank clean. They are mostly omnivores but prefer a diet of algae and other plant matter. If you have a pleco in your tank, you won't need to worry about algae growth as much.

Will Plecostomus Destroy Plants?

Because Common Plecos are notorious for eating anything they can get their sucker mouth on, and they become more aggressive with age, there's a chance that they will damage or eat plants in your aquarium. If you have live plants, it's best to keep an eye on your pleco and remove it if it begins to damage the plants.

However, since each fish is unique and has its own likes and character, there's no telling whether or not it'll eat plants. Some plecos are content to leave plants alone and will only go after them if they're hungry.

What is the Price of a Plecostomus?

Pleco pricing varies greatly, depending on the species and condition. Hypostomus plecostomus is less expensive as a juvenile ($3) and more costly as an adult. Larger, rarer species can cost upwards of $100.

However, as the species gets more uncommon and rare, you'll need to pay up to $60 and even $300 per fish. You'll have to decide on a price range carefully while also considering the size, age, and health of the fish.

What Size Aquarium Do Plecos Need?

Before purchasing a Plecostomus, you should learn about the many species and whether they are suitable for your aquarium. The most significant issue to consider is whether your aquarium can accommodate the size of your chosen species as an adult. Pleco species grow rapidly and may soon outgrow a tank that is too small. A few examples of aquarium sizes required are:

  • Golden Nugget Pleco: 50 gallon
  • Bristlenose Pleco: 30 gallon
  • Sailfin Pleco: 125 gallon
  • Zebra Pleco: 30 gallon

Do Plecos Need a Heater?

Yes! A heater is required for all tropical fish. Plecos are not cold-water fish. Even if they were, it's a good idea to include a heater in the tank so that the water temperature doesn't drop too far.

Final Thoughts 

Plecostomus are peaceful, nocturnal fish that make a great addition to any aquarium. They are excellent algae eaters and can help keep your tank clean. They are also relatively easy to care for, as long as you provide them with a good quality diet and a heater to keep the water warm. If you're looking for a low-maintenance fish that will help keep your aquarium clean, a Plecostomus is a great option.

Plecostomus are a popular choice for many aquarium enthusiasts due to their peaceful nature. The simplicity and size of these creatures are quite fascinating. Watching this enormous aquatic creature swim about the tank is really intriguing. When it comes to feeding, they will consume just about anything.

Plecostomus are very active at night so don't be alarmed if you don't see them during the day. It is best to keep them in a tank with other fish that have a similar temperament. They are not too fussy when it comes to tank mates but it is important to remember that they grow quite large.

They are susceptible to many diseases so it is important to keep a close eye on them and take preventative measures to ensure their health. If you notice any symptoms, consult a vet immediately. Plecostomus are a great addition to any aquarium and can provide hours of enjoyment. With the right care, they can live long and healthy life. Thanks for reading and we hope this guide has been helpful.

Sarah Robertson

I am a passionate blogger who also happens to be a fish keeping enthusiast. Writing about my hobby is something that I absolutely love to do, and it's no secret that my chosen topic is always centered around fish keeping.

Sarah Robertson

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